
Powered byLittle White Lies
Introducing Huck’s new Film section, powered by our sister magazine Little White Lies. Spotlighting some of the best stories where film meets counterculture
Why WFMU is the craziest indie radio station on your dial
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Why WFMU is the craziest indie radio station on your dial

Surreal sounds at 91.1 FM — WFMU is what truly independent radio sounds like - and it’s batshit insane. Director Tim K. Smith talks about his documentary Sex and Broadcasting: The Story of WFMU.

Written by: Alex King

Insider's Guide to Reykjavík, Iceland

Insider's Guide to Reykjavík, Iceland

Bust to boom — Iceland was devastated by the 2008 financial crisis but now artists, musicians and designers are leading a creative renaissance which is putting Reykjavík firmly back on the map.

Written by: HUCK HQ

How does an African former child soldier adjust to life in London?

How does an African former child soldier adjust to life in London?

SIXTEEN. A British Feature Film — Sixteen features British actor Roger Jean Nsengiyumva whose Rwandan past is testament to what can happen when you persevere against all odds.

Written by: Andrea Kurland

Best moments from Season 4 of Lena Dunham's Girls

Best moments from Season 4 of Lena Dunham's Girls

All the ups and downs — Dancing at undergrad frat parties in Iowa, getting piercings with school kids and having deep and meaningfuls in laundromats.

Written by: Shelley Jones

Girl jumps London skylines in short film about the collapse of the city

Girl jumps London skylines in short film about the collapse of the city

Message in a Bottle — Talented parkour athlete Georgia Munroe stars in short film that highlights the individual's relationship with the city.

Written by: HUCK HQ

How to survive as a DIY filmmaker

How to survive as a DIY filmmaker

Do not ask permission — Oxyana director Sean Dunne talks about his two new projects Cam Girlz and Florida Man.

Written by: Alex King

Five reasons Flatpack is the UK's most innovative film festival
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Five reasons Flatpack is the UK's most innovative film festival

Birmingham's DIY cinema extravaganza — From Oculus Rift installations to internet cats, there really is no film festival out there quite like Flatpack. We spoke to programmer Sam Groves to uncover the method behind the madness.

Written by: George Kafka

Socially-conscious filmmaking you need to see this year
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Socially-conscious filmmaking you need to see this year

Human Rights Watch Film Festival, London — Wim Wenders on Sebastião Salgado, Jon Stewart’s directorial debut and the animated adventures of the 18 cows Israel declared a threat to national security.

Written by: Alex King

Films to watch out for at SXSW 2015

Films to watch out for at SXSW 2015

Space, single life & Steve Jobs — From Alex Garland's directorial debut Ex Machina to Judd Apatow's latest lol-fest Trainwreck.

Written by: Shelley Jones

Lift-Off Film Festival supports true indie filmmaking
Why I do what I do

Lift-Off Film Festival supports true indie filmmaking

New talent and fresh voices on Merseyside — Nomadic festival Lift-Off travels the globe to support real independent filmmaking. Next stop Liverpool.

Written by: Alex King

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