A new exhibition and a new lawsuit — The first Instagram art show in Calcutta opened last week, and across the world Richard Prince was sued for photos he used at a show in New York. Increased access to images means more possibilities for art, but it's not necessarily for the better.
Images, icons and imperfections — Dutch photographer and filmmaker Anton Corbijn is most famous for his authentic pictures of famous musicians. In honour of his 60th birthday, a retrospective of his work is displayed in Berlin.
Written by: Yuki Schubert
The future of living space — Huck visits a new exhibition in Berlin to see how innovative thinkers are using architecture to re-empower communities fragmented by the housing crisis.
Written by: George Kafka
Influential music mag turns ten — Loud And Quiet’s reputation has grown steadily since it began life as a fanzine in 2005 - thanks in part to its eye-catching music photography.
Written by: Sam Warner
Leftovers at Parlour Presents — Eloise Dörr’s cheeky silhouette characters show love for the less-celebrated aspects of skating, like breaking decks and stacking it.
Written by: Alex King
I will not make boring art — John Baldessari’s new London show hilariously parodies an art industry that has lost touch with reality.
Written by: Robin Nierynck
The Impossible Project’s 8x8 opens in London — Prolific instant snappers including Alison Mosshart, Scout Willis and Oliver Blohm have each been challenged by the Impossible Project to shoot a series comprised of just eight images.
Written by: Megan White