
Block Shell

Block Shell

Polluting Kids' Imaginations — Shell's tie-up with Lego looks like an attempt to dodge the flack from the global outcry at their attempts to drill for oil in the Arctic.

Written by: Alex King

Made in Hackney

Made in Hackney

Healthy People & Planet — Made in Hackney are an eco-community kitchen dedicated to teaching sustainable food skills that are good for people and the planet in a fun and inspiring way.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Frontside Gardens

Frontside Gardens

A Sustainable Skatepark — Andrew Willis built Frontside Gardens in Hackney Wick from re-used materials, showing that effort and creativity matter more than a massive budget.

Written by: Alex King

Giftwood Projects
Why I do what I do

Giftwood Projects

Why I Do What I Do — Founders of new Cornwall-based community initiative Giftwood Projects think learning to build a surfboard can be a life-changing experience.

Written by: Shelley Jones

Jason Larkin

Jason Larkin

Tales from the City of Gold — Jason Larkin's new photobook captures a portrait of Johannesburg's physical fissures while revealing how fractured the gold mining industry has left its environmental and social landscape.

Written by: Amrita Riat

Sincerely Sandy

Sincerely Sandy

After the Hurricane — When Hurricane Sandy hit the Jersey Shore, she sank homes, bashed businesses and left the coastline in a mess. But what happened after the headlines stopped? New Jersey writer Jon Coen meets some local faces – surfers, musicians and families – who came together in Sandy’s wake.

Written by: Jon Coen



In The Room — Outrage in Western media over the slaughter of elephants in Africa ignores the very serious socio-economic and development problems that cause it.

Written by: Tetsuhiko Endo

Temujin Doran

Temujin Doran

Documenting Distopia — HUCK speaks to award-winning illustrator and documentarian Temujin Doran about his new film, Obey.

Written by: Tetsuhiko Endo

GM Crops

GM Crops

Future Food — GM crops are back on the menu. But should we be worried?

Written by: Olly Zanetti

Polly Higgins

Polly Higgins

Natural Fighter — Lawyer-turned-activist Polly Higgins has dedicated her life to the most vulnerable client: planet earth.

Written by: Olly Zanetti

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Issue 81: The more than a game issue

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