
Huck’s changemakers of 2016: The year’s greatest activism

Huck’s changemakers of 2016: The year’s greatest activism

So much for slacktivism — In this increasingly divided era, fighting for what you believe in has never seemed more necessary. Here are some of the best activism stories of 2016.

Written by: Paden Vaughan

How environmental activists must move forward in 2017

How environmental activists must move forward in 2017

New year, new battles — Global temperatures reached a record high in 2016 but many world leaders refuse to listen, so what's next in the fight to keep our planet protected?

Written by: Paden Vaughan

The man who eats roadkill

The man who eats roadkill

Waste not, want not — Arthur Boyt likes to forage for his food, shunning the supermarket shelf for what lies beside the road. Could his unusual lust for roadkill be a lesson in subsistence?

Written by: Cyrus Shahrad

Black Friday is terrible for the planet: Patagonia challenge us to think and buy differently

Black Friday is terrible for the planet: Patagonia challenge us to think and buy differently

Huck x Patagonia — Patagonia explain how they're determined to counteract the overconsumption orgy that happens in the run-up to Christmas.

Written by: Shelley Jones

Victims of Brazil’s worst environmental disaster bring their call for justice to London

Victims of Brazil’s worst environmental disaster bring their call for justice to London

Demanding accountability — Brazilians affected by the fatal Samarco dam disaster in 2015 share their stories of lives destroyed and present community demands for reparations to mining corporation BHP Billiton’s London AGM.

Written by: Alex King

Bruce Gold: The last true surfing hippie

Bruce Gold: The last true surfing hippie

A dying breed — To celebrate 10 years of Huck, we're digging through the archives to unearth stories that feel as relevant as ever. We head to Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, to catch up with the enduring living legend of Bruce Gold.

Written by: Miles Masterson

It's here! The world’s first wetsuit that doesn’t screw up the planet

It's here! The world’s first wetsuit that doesn’t screw up the planet

No need for neoprene — Surfing and caring about the environment go hand in hand across the globe, but for decades we’ve relied on equipment that’s harmful for the planet. Finally neoprene free wetsuits are a reality, and the company behind this innovation want the rest of the surf industry to follow their lead.

Written by: Tenelle Ottley-Matthew

Inside the small fishing town when the largest wave ever surfed hit the shore

Inside the small fishing town when the largest wave ever surfed hit the shore

After Nazaré — After Garrett McNamara rode that world-record breaking 90ft wave, Praia De Norte became a global spectacle; the new home of big wave surfing. But when the the waves became a source of revenue the way of life in this town had to change.

Written by: Max Gayler

Photographer documents man’s destruction of the natural world

Photographer documents man’s destruction of the natural world

Wild beasts reduced to ghosts in the city — Photographer Nick Brandt’s epic panoramas in Inherit The Dust highlight man’s destructive presence in places animals used to roam.

Written by: Alex King

Londoners held a die in as air pollution is killing us all

Londoners held a die in as air pollution is killing us all

Struggling to breathe — Air pollution levels are dangerously high, and thousands of people are dying. Last night campaigners in London shut down a street outside the Department of Transport, to call on the government to take action.

Written by: Michael Segalov

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