
How the Apple Store union movement came to the UK

How the Apple Store union movement came to the UK

Power to the workers — Inspired by successful unionisation efforts among US employees, workers from across the pond are now gearing up to take on the tech giant.

Written by: Richard Gall

Young people can’t afford to quit hustle culture

Young people can’t afford to quit hustle culture

Slaves to the grind — The idea that a younger generation is abandoning work has become a popular narrative online, but it doesn’t necessarily reflect reality, writes Siân Bradley.

Written by: Sian Bradley

Why barristers are striking for justice

Why barristers are striking for justice

Hot Strike Summer — As the Criminal Bar Association enters its fifth week of action, criminal barrister Russel Fraser explains why the legal professionals have walked out and how action is likely to escalate.

Written by: Russell Fraser

Workers in queer spaces are standing up for their rights

Workers in queer spaces are standing up for their rights

Hot strike summer — As spiralling inflation sees a sharp rise in industrial action, hospitality staff in LGBTQ+ venues are finally demanding better pay and working conditions.

Written by: Ella Glover

Is the rise of surrogacy deepening class divides?

Is the rise of surrogacy deepening class divides?

The motherhood penalty — Increasingly, patients are avoiding pregnancy or time off work by paying someone else to carry their baby. Could this leave people unable to afford this service more vulnerable?

Written by: Katie Tobin

The video game unions battling injustice in the industry

The video game unions battling injustice in the industry

Gamers unite — Racism, sexism and overwork have long plagued the gaming industry. But now, individuals are coming together and unionising in an effort to transform their workplaces.

Written by: Sian Bradley

Tech workers are fighting back against employee surveillance

Tech workers are fighting back against employee surveillance

Power in numbers — Invasive workplace surveillance has become a reality for many remote workers over the pandemic. Now, tech workers are unionising to lead the resistance.

Written by: Sian Bradley

‘Dead time’ and the broken world of work

‘Dead time’ and the broken world of work

Unjust system — Unpaid time spent at work while not working is a ubiquitous feature of the gig economy. And, how we think about it has huge implications for the future of work and the rights of all workers.

Written by: Hugh Morris

How bogus self-employment is harming workers

How bogus self-employment is harming workers

‘I can’t afford to quit‘ — The pandemic has exposed the extent of the UK’s bogus self-employment problem, an unscrupulous practice which epitomises the tyranny of work under capitalism.

Written by: Serena Smith

How yoga teachers are exploited by the gig economy

How yoga teachers are exploited by the gig economy

Bending over backwards — The wellness industry may be booming, but many yoga teachers are struggling to make ends meet as countless tech start-ups, apps and large gym chains monopolise the market and undercut pay.

Written by: Andrew Kersley

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