
Battling depression and addiction at London’s homeless boxing club

Battling depression and addiction at London’s homeless boxing club

Step into the ring — Members of Caris Boxing Club might be marked out as anti-social, dirty and unsafe on the street, but at London's homeless boxing club they're standing up and fighting back.

Written by: Matt Broomfield

The true face of the drug epidemic ravaging UK prisons

The true face of the drug epidemic ravaging UK prisons

‘I died three times’ — Record levels of drug use, violence and overcrowding are turning prisons into a toxic environment, with riots set to continue unless sweeping reforms are made.

Written by: Alex King

Revisiting the wreckage of Russia’s Krokodil epidemic three years on

Revisiting the wreckage of Russia’s Krokodil epidemic three years on

Krokodil’s toxic legacy — Photographer Emanuele Satolli documented the height of the Krokodil epidemic in 2013. Three years later, he returned to Yekaterinburg to survey the damage.

Written by: Alex King

The former ‘legal high’ devastating the lives of Britain's young homeless

The former ‘legal high’ devastating the lives of Britain's young homeless

“Worse than Crack” — Spice, a dangerous and highly addictive variety of synthetic cannabis, has grown to become one of the biggest challenges for young homeless people. And a government ban this Summer could have made things worse.

Written by: Alex King

Missing Medicines: Taking on the big-pharma monopoly

Missing Medicines: Taking on the big-pharma monopoly

People not profit — The current monopoly of the pharmaceutical industry by corporate giants is costing lives, but individuals and group initiatives are challenging the system, campaigning for widespread use of generic drugs and affordable price tags.

Written by: Marianna Manson

The architect building his own skate oasis in the ruins of the Greek crisis

The architect building his own skate oasis in the ruins of the Greek crisis

Athens’ creative renaissance has begun — Latraac is a cutting-edge skate bowl and social space in a drug-infested neighbourhood of Athens - part of a new wave of creative projects transforming the city’s fortunes.

Written by: Alex King

UK government takes enormous step towards medical cannabis legalisation

UK government takes enormous step towards medical cannabis legalisation

Cross-party parliamentary enquiry calls for legalisation — Activists, politicians and international investors are piling on the pressure for legalisation and dismantling the barriers to reform. Is it finally time for the UK to catch up with the rest of the world?

Written by: Alex King

Secret Garden Party is the first UK festival to introduce official drug testing service

Secret Garden Party is the first UK festival to introduce official drug testing service

What’s in your baggy? — Secret Garden Party festival offered festivalgoers the opportunity to have their drugs tested to help avoid overdoses and poisonings.

Written by: Alex King

Research finds majority of UK MPs now support medical marijuana use

Research finds majority of UK MPs now support medical marijuana use

Is legalisation in sight? — A poll conducted by innovative drugs pressure group VolteFace finds overwhelming cross-party support for the legalisation of medical marijuana in the UK House of Commons.

Written by: Alex King

How Magic Mushrooms could hold the key to curing depression

How Magic Mushrooms could hold the key to curing depression

Are hallucinations the secret to happiness? — New research shows psilocybin, the active ingredient in Magic Mushrooms, to have huge potential for treating depression.

Written by: Alex King

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