Cross-party parliamentary enquiry calls for legalisation — Activists, politicians and international investors are piling on the pressure for legalisation and dismantling the barriers to reform. Is it finally time for the UK to catch up with the rest of the world?
Written by: Alex King
What’s in your baggy? — Secret Garden Party festival offered festivalgoers the opportunity to have their drugs tested to help avoid overdoses and poisonings.
Written by: Alex King
Is legalisation in sight? — A poll conducted by innovative drugs pressure group VolteFace finds overwhelming cross-party support for the legalisation of medical marijuana in the UK House of Commons.
Written by: Alex King
Are hallucinations the secret to happiness? — New research shows psilocybin, the active ingredient in Magic Mushrooms, to have huge potential for treating depression.
Written by: Alex King
Smoke screen — On 4/20, we’ve got the choicest cuts of kush cinema to help you through the haziest day of the year.
Written by: Alex King
First LSD research in over 50 years hints at the nature of self — Psychedelics campaigner Amanda Fielding publishes research exploring the nature of consciousness and LSD’s potential to treat depression, addiction and OCD.
Written by: Alex King
Exclusive archive interview — From the decedent corridors of Oxford University to the bunkers of the British Secret Service, the life of Howard Marks, "the most sophisticated drugs baron of all time", was nothing short of remarkable. On the day he dies here's our exclusive interview - talking prison, drugs, and his extraordinary life.
Written by: Shelley Jones
Putting people before profit — Protestors stripped naked at drug company Gilead's London HQ this afternoon to expose the profit before patient attitude that is costing millions of lives.
Written by: Michael Segalov
The war on drugs continues — With questions still being raised about what substances will be banned under the new laws, the controversial Psychoactive Substances Act has been delayed.
Written by: Michael Segalov
A new era of decriminalisation — In the run-up to a pivotal United Nations conference on global drug policy, Release launch a major report on the successes and failures of decriminalisation programmes around the world.
Written by: Alex King