Dawn Foster

Keep it in the family? The left can do better than dynasties

Keep it in the family? The left can do better than dynasties

From Where I Stand — From Clinton to Kinnock, Trudeau to Benn, the fact political dynasties dominate progressive parties on both sides of the Atlantic is an embarrassment, writes Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster

How I learnt to live with epilepsy

How I learnt to live with epilepsy

My dysfunctional brain — Despite the seizures and episodes as a child, it took years for Dawn Foster's epilepsy to be properly diagnosed. Here she writes about life with a condition few people understand.

Written by: Dawn Foster

It’s time to talk about how Britain treats its homeless

It’s time to talk about how Britain treats its homeless

From Where I Stand — A society can be judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable – and as it gears up for 2018’s Royal Wedding, the UK is already showing its true colours, writes Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster

This year I learnt... despite the odds, Labour looks like a government in waiting

This year I learnt... despite the odds, Labour looks like a government in waiting

What 2017 taught me — This week, Huck contributors reflect on what they've learnt in 2017. First up is Dawn Foster, who looks back at how the 2017 general election disproved every line of the British political rulebook.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Ireland’s Brexit borders: Is this game over for the British government?

Ireland’s Brexit borders: Is this game over for the British government?

All you need to know — Brexit's biggest barrier remains the Republic and the North of Ireland's future borders, the British government have treated the complex situation like a game and now they're out of moves. Here Dawn Foster explains what 's happening.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Ignore the Tories – today’s budget offers nothing to young people

Ignore the Tories – today’s budget offers nothing to young people

From Where I Stand — The Tories tried to bill today's budget as a win for young people, but a railcard isn't going to fix the housing crisis or take on precarious working conditions, writes Dawn Foster. It's a railcard.

Written by: Dawn Foster

The bigoted British media is actively endangering trans people

The bigoted British media is actively endangering trans people

From Where I Stand — In todays Times Janice Turner penned a transphobic column, painting transgender people as predators and a threat to our children. Some journalists are obsessed with attacking the trans community, placing vulnerable people in danger while turning our media toxic, writes Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster

How walking became a radical act of defiance

How walking became a radical act of defiance

Reclaiming space and time — In a society that advocates women be efficient and suspicious, aimlessly walking through the city has become a form of empowerment and resistance for writer Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Parliament is rife with sleazy sexual predators drunk on power

Parliament is rife with sleazy sexual predators drunk on power

From Where I Stand — From late night drinking to Parliamentary whips keen to dig up dirt on MPs for political capital, there’s a culture in Westminster that allows sexual assault to go unchecked. The Commons needs a shakeup, writes Dawn Foster, but it’s unlikely to happen.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Privileged kids need to stop fetishising working class culture

Privileged kids need to stop fetishising working class culture

From Where I Stand — Artist Hetty Douglas' offensive Instagram post about blokes in construction gear having few GCSEs has pissed off a lot people, but it's reflective of a wider trend: people embracing working class culture while also showing contempt for working class people, writes Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster

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