Dawn Foster

The British government doesn’t care about Irish lives

The British government doesn’t care about Irish lives

Today’s comments just prove it — Gavin Williamson’s comments on whether former soldiers should face prosecution over Bloody Sunday are a disgrace. It only proves that his party have no regard for the lives of those who will never vote for or support them.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Capitalism is co-opting, & ruining, the feminist movement

Capitalism is co-opting, & ruining, the feminist movement

We deserve better — This week, Gillette shared a mawkish film paying lip service to the #MeToo movement. But, like many clumsy multinationals before them, they got it all wrong.

Written by: Dawn Foster

It is time for Tony Blair to stop talking and go away

It is time for Tony Blair to stop talking and go away

Read the room Tony — The former Prime Minister is a haunted relic who continues to plea for attention and relevance. It’s not helping anyone.

Written by: Dawn Foster

A letter to the men who abuse me online

A letter to the men who abuse me online

...and it is always men — As a woman writer with political opinions, Dawn Foster is a regular target for trolls – receiving death and rape threats on a daily basis. As this behaviour becomes increasingly normalised, she argues that the true danger lies in desensitisation.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Why we should all support the Fast Food Strike

Why we should all support the Fast Food Strike

Stand together — Companies like McDonalds, Deliveroo and UberEats need to learn how to treat their workers, argues Dawn Foster. Collective action is the only way to teach them.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Is this finally the end for Boris Johnson?

Is this finally the end for Boris Johnson?

Goodbye, farewell — With his blustered resignation and attacks on Sadiq Khan, the former foreign secretary has exposed himself – revealing a hypocritical, lazy and self-absorbed man with absolutely no ability to lead.

Written by: Dawn Foster

On trans rights, Labour is on the right side of history

On trans rights, Labour is on the right side of history

From Where I Stand — By explicitly stating that trans women should be included on all women Labour shortlists, this progressive movement is ensuring that trans people are treated with respect and dignity. This, writes Dawn Foster, is a victory worth celebrating.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Millennials are having less sex than their parents – so what?

Millennials are having less sex than their parents – so what?

From Where I Stand — Recent research has shown that people born between the late ’80s and millennium are losing their virginity later than ever, and having less sex than previous generations. Given the rocketing rents and anxiety-inducing work hours, is anyone really surprised?

Written by: Dawn Foster

We're failing to hold the British media to account

We're failing to hold the British media to account

From Where I Stand — It took eight months for The Times to be held accountable for a series of front pages which may well have whipped up Islamophobia. Punishments must be harsher else nothing will change, writes Dawn Foster. Hidden apologies just aren't good enough.

Written by: Dawn Foster

To tackle bigotry, Labour won’t take lessons from the right

To tackle bigotry, Labour won’t take lessons from the right

From Where I Stand — Labour is not immune from the prejudice that permeates our society, writes Dawn Foster, but the left can do better than take advice from the likes of UKIP and the Tories - just look at their track records.

Written by: Dawn Foster

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