
Video: Life as an illegal tattoo artist in Havana

Video: Life as an illegal tattoo artist in Havana

One foot forward... — A free-market economy is transforming Cuba... but one skateboarder feels torn over his country's changing identity.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Obama's historic visit to Cuba is over, now what happens?

Obama's historic visit to Cuba is over, now what happens?

The future of Cuba — Obama's visit to Cuba last week was supposed to mark a thaw in relations between the two countries - here Professor Arlei Sander Damo asks what happens next.

Written by: Arlei Sander Damo

In pictures: Carl De Keyzer captures the decline of Cuban communism

In pictures: Carl De Keyzer captures the decline of Cuban communism

Pictures of a Cuba in flux — Award winning documentary photographer Carl De Keyzer captures a Cuba in flux with his new book, "Cuba, La Lucha".

Written by: Michael Segalov

For the Record: After 10 Years, one of Cuba’s first female DJs returns home

For the Record: After 10 Years, one of Cuba’s first female DJs returns home

This is DJ Leydis — DJ Leydis was born in Cuba, but made the dangerous journey to the U.S., leaving her young daughter behind to follow her dream. She's now been allowed to return to Cuba, and dreams of bringing her music to the people she had been missing for so long. This is her story.

Written by: Amberly Alene Ellis

The photographer capturing Havana's LGBT scene

The photographer capturing Havana's LGBT scene

LGBT life in Cuba, 2016. — Cuban American photojournalist Lisette Poole has been shooting in Cuba for years, working closely with the LGBT community. We spoke to her about her work documenting Havana's queer scene.

Written by: Michael Segalov / Lisette Poole

La historia de Charlie Hiil, un fugitivo del FBI en La Habana

La historia de Charlie Hiil, un fugitivo del FBI en La Habana

El gobierno más poderoso del mundo atrás de él. — Hace 43 años, Charlie Hill huyó de las autoridade estadunidenses y terminó en Cuba, donde sigue escondido. Las nuevas relaciones entre los dos paises no pasan despercibidas, y pueden afectar su destino. Su historia, que es poco conocida, trata del espíritu revolucionario de un hombre que enfretó crimenes, persecución y dolor. Luego de una serie de encuentros en La Habana, el premiado escritor Carlos Álvarez Rodríguez nos cuenta la historia de Charlie, un fugitivo del FBI en Cuba.

Written by: Carlos Álvarez Rodríguez

The Long Read: The story of Charlie Hill, an FBI fugitive in Havana

The Long Read: The story of Charlie Hill, an FBI fugitive in Havana

The world's most powerful government are at his heels — It's been over 43 years since Charlie Hill went on the run from U.S. authorities, making his way to Cuba where he's been hiding ever since, and the thawing of relations between the two countries plays on his mind. His little known story is one of revolutionary spirit, of murder, of adventure and of pain. After a series of meetings in Havana, award winning writer Carlos Álvarez Rodríguez tells us Charlie's story.

Written by: Carlos Álvarez Rodríguez

Dos jovenes Cubanos, y sus grandes sueños de patinar

Dos jovenes Cubanos, y sus grandes sueños de patinar

El precio de sueños grandes — Para ser un skater en Cuba, necesita imaginación. A causa de las embargos comerciales, no hay tablas decentes ni materiales. Este es la cuenta de dos skaters con lo mismo sueño.

Written by: Carlos Álvarez Rodríguez / Juan Cruz Rodriguez

The story of two young Cuban skaters with one shared dream

The story of two young Cuban skaters with one shared dream

Skating, for which you need so little, can sometimes cost a lot — To be a skater in Cuba requires imagination - trade embargoes mean boards and materials are scarce. This is the story of two skaters, Yojani and Raciel, who shared the same dream of making it big.

Written by: Carlos Álvarez Rodríguez / Juan Cruz Rodriguez

Cubans are online and hustling despite restrictions and censorship

Cubans are online and hustling despite restrictions and censorship

Finding imaginative ways to get online — Access to the internet in Cuba is heavily restricted, and not available in people's homes. Zenaida, however, found an imaginative way to get online, and then she started hustling.

Written by: Catherine Hickey

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