

“I felt the terror of being completely helpless” - Brazil’s violent crackdown on protest

Police beat the shit out of peaceful protestors in São Paulo — Journalist Luciana Nanci watched anti-coup demonstrations brutally repressed by police with tear gas, stun grenades and water cannons. This is what she saw.

Written by: Luciana Nanci


What you need to know about Brazil’s right-wing coup... and the fightback

Battle lines are drawn — After a leaked wire tap unmasks the plot to topple President Rousseff, we look at the story so far and ask what’s next for Brazil.

Written by: Alex King


Why Brazil’s neoliberal coup government could tear the country apart

Young people take to the streets after Dilma’s impeachment — Brazil’s new right-wing government are counting on political fatigue to push through an unelectable neoliberal policy programme. But their attempts to neutralise civil society resistance by criminalising social movements is a recipe for social conflict.

Written by: Alex King


If Nigeria and Afghanistan are 'fantastically corrupt' what should we make of Britain?

From where I stand — David Cameron is caught on camera telling the Queen that Afghanistan and Nigeria are "fantastically corrupt." Investigative journalist Solomon Hughes has been uncovering corruption in the UK for decades, and reckons Cameron needs to tackle deep-rooted corruption in Britain before he cracks another joke.

Written by: Solomon Hughes


UPDATE: Flawed impeachment of Brazil’s president UN-OVERTURNED

Absurdity in impeachment process reaches new heights — Acting lower house speaker throws out motion to impeach Dilma Rousseff after leading coup plotter dismissed over corruption. And then changes his mind...

Written by: Alex King


U.S. launches crackdown on international tax evasion

Are the Panama Papers forcing change? — The White House announces Barack Obama is taking executive action to close tax loopholes. But does it go far enough?

Written by: Alex King


The Bristol Cable: A community-run newspaper holding power to account

Taking back the media — The Bristol Cable is a media co-operative shaking up local news with hard-hitting investigative journalism.

Written by: Alex King


Dayo Ntwari: The Afrofuturist writer shaping Africa’s next generation through sci-fi

Stories for a new African century — Dayo Ntwari is one of a new generation of writers using sci-fi to imagine a bold future for Africa and exorcise the demons of today, like corruption, religious exploitation and Boko Haram.

Written by: Alex King


Five things you need to know about moves to impeach Brazil’s president

So, is this a coup? Er... yeah — The latest chapter in Brazil’s escalating political crisis was opened when congress voted to impeach president Dilma Rousseff. So, what does it mean and what happens next?

Written by: Alex King


The Panama Papers: what happens next?

Can we beat the tax havens? — After the biggest leak of offshore financial data in history, will anything change? We asked author and tax haven expert Nicholas Shaxson.

Written by: Alex King

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