

What now for… photojournalists?

Talking Mental Health — Huck is exploring the impact that the coronavirus pandemic is having on different communities – and on our mental health. In the latest instalment, photojournalist Daniella Zalcman investigates how exposure to trauma and risk is starting to take its toll.

Written by: Daniella Zalcman


Global photographers share what ‘home’ means to them

Through the keyhole — As much of the world waits in lockdown, a new Aperture photo project provides a window into realms we rarely, if ever, get to see.

Written by: Miss Rosen


Britain is in a food crisis – and it’s only getting worse

Time to act — The coronavirus pandemic has seen a record demand for UK food banks, with millions of people going hungry due to the financial implications of lockdown. In response, activists are stepping up where the government is failing – advocating for a National Food Service to solve the crisis.

Written by: Emma Latham Phillips


What now for... performers?

Talking Mental Health — Huck is exploring the impact that the coronavirus pandemic is having on different communities – and on our mental health. Here, Ben Smoke talks to performers and event organisers to find out how they’ve adapted since venues shut their doors.

Written by: Ben Smoke


What now for... writers?

Talking Mental Health — Huck is exploring the impact that the coronavirus pandemic is having on different communities – and on our mental health. In the first instalment, Emily Reynolds investigates how the repercussions of lockdown have affected freelance writers.

Written by: Emily Reynolds


‘Preppers have gone from tin hat loonies to visionaries’

Survival lessons — UK survivalist Steve Hart has spent 40 years preparing for every potential disaster the human race might face. So how does he fare in a pandemic?

Written by: Theo McInnes


How the pandemic exposed Britain’s care crisis

Capitalism’s dirty secret — The government’s decision to reopen state schools is nothing to do with education, and only proves that capitalism is dependent on care work.

Written by: Aaron Bastani


Strange days: eerie photos of locked-down London

The new normal — Spencer Murphy’s ongoing series sees him venturing out to capture scenes that hint at the cultural shifts we are currently witnessing, encapsulating the unfamiliarity of the present.

Written by: Huck


‘Information should be clear, accurate and accessible to all’

Inside the Dysturb Collective — The Dysturb Collective use street art and photography to deliver COVID-19 information that reaches beyond the mainstream bubble.

Written by: Guillaume Le Goff


Mark O’Connell’s guide to surviving the apocalypse

Notes from the end of the world — In his new book, Notes From An Apocalypse, the Irish author investigates our in-built obsession with the end of the world – meeting preppers, bunker entrepreneurs and would-be Mars colonists from around the globe.

Written by: Colin Gannon

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