Conservative Party

The Tories still don’t care about you

The Tories still don’t care about you

This is not socialism — It took a global pandemic, but the Conservatives have finally managed to find their ‘magic money tree’. Unfortunately, it only works for the middle and upper classes, writes Tristan Cross.

Written by: Tristan Cross

How austerity targeted... homeless people

How austerity targeted... homeless people

Cut out: a decade of destruction — In the final instalment of Cut Out, writer and activist Tom Balderstone recalls how Tory cuts led to an unprecedented rise in homelessness.

Written by: Tom Balderstone

How the UK media became a mouthpiece for the Tories

How the UK media became a mouthpiece for the Tories

Impartiality anyone? No? — Our biggest and best-known media commentators are intent on delivering an election result that preserves their power – keeping it in the hands of the few, not the many.

Written by: Des Freedman

Nadia Whittome: Labour’s bright young hope for Britain

Nadia Whittome: Labour’s bright young hope for Britain

Knock Knock: An Election Special — At just 23 years old, Nadia Whittome – the Labour candidate for Nottingham East – stands at the brink of a life-changing election for herself and her country. In this Huck election special, we join her on the campaign trail to find out how she got here, and what she hopes to achieve next.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Coats out, votes out: how to survive the final push

Coats out, votes out: how to survive the final push

Six days to save the country — With just days left to change the country, writer Dawn Foster shares her tips on making a difference (and looking good while doing it).

Written by: Dawn Foster

Are Scottish Tories really such a strange phenomenon?

Are Scottish Tories really such a strange phenomenon?

We investigate — Scotland is traditionally portrayed as socialist in character – but is this true? Writer James Greig examines the complicated history of conservative politics in the country.

Written by: James Greig

On the kindness of people, and the violence of the state

On the kindness of people, and the violence of the state

Reflections from the Stansted 15 — Stansted 15 member Mel Evans looks back on the trials and tribulations of the last few months, and explains why the fight is nowhere near won.

Written by: Mel Evans

A brief history of Tories being bad at social media

A brief history of Tories being bad at social media

Digital deficencies — The Conservative Party are not very good at social media. Following Amber Rudd’s recent Partridge-esque Twitter video, we revisit some of our favourite examples of Tories on the internet.

Written by: Niall Flynn

Election spending in Britain needs radical reform, but Momentum isn't the problem

Election spending in Britain needs radical reform, but Momentum isn't the problem

From Where I Stand — Momentum might be under investigation for its electoral expenditure, but it's the Tories who've rigged the spending system writes James Butler.

Written by: James Butler

Theresa May’s cabinet is rotten to the core

Theresa May’s cabinet is rotten to the core

From Where I Stand — Alleged sexual assaulters, arrogant bullies and secret meetings with foreign governments – the ministers charged with running the United Kingdom have a stink of putrid decay, writes Oscar Rickett.

Written by: Oscar Rickett

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