In partnership with Patagonia — We have 10 years to stop the climate crisis, which means that the stakes are higher than ever.
Written by: Alex Beasley
Season of disruption — Writer and photographer Peter Brooks braves the heckles with the most enigmatic faction of the Extinction Rebellion uprisings.
Written by: Peter Brooks
On the frontline — In Dilijan national park, a group of radical forest rangers – made up of young environmental activists and volunteers – are taking a stand against the country’s ‘wood mafia’.
Written by: Joe Nerssessian
A deep dive into fast fashion — The fashion world may be promoting a new, more ‘sustainable’ kind of consumerism – but no matter what they try and sell us, buying new will never lead to real change.
Written by: Kat George
The Travel Diary — Photographer Barry Macdonald joins the crew of Fairtransport – a revolutionary, zero-emissions cargo company powered by sail only.
Written by: Barry Macdonald
Riding Wild — Eco activist Aniela Gottwald is working her way through the American wilderness to campaign for better environmental protection. But having battled hardship along the way, the 26-year-old has discovered a sense of resilience she didn’t think possible.
Written by: Adam White
What you lying for? — Despite the fact it's pretty much universally acknowledged that climate change is set to destroy humanity and the planet, big oil companies still get away with making billions through screwing up the planet. And guess what? A PR stunt today from the world's biggest conglomerates means absolutely nothing. That's why we turned up outside.
Written by: Charlie Satow
Oil wastewater — Details have recently emerged of Californian agriculture’s dirty little secret: for the last twenty years, oil companies have been selling their wastewater to farmers, used to water crops for some of America’s best known food brands.
Written by: William Warrener
Here and No Further — In the latest Huck film, we head to Proschim in Germany where thousands of climate activists have gathered from across Europe and beyond, to try and shut down one of Europe's biggest and dirtiest coal mines. After last year's protest ended with mass arrests and violent clashes with the police, Huck joins them on the frontline of the fight against global warming.
Written by: HUCK HQ