

A definitive guide to the history of medical cannabis

Join us on this journey — From aiding constipation in ancient China, to relieving Queen Victoria’s period pains, writer and pharmacist Jonny Winship uncovers the surprising legacy of the controversial drug.

Written by: Jonny Winship


Behind the scenes at America’s new legal cannabis farms

The pot farmer’s daughter — As the daughter of a pot farmer, Kristen Angelo grew up around the plant. Now, she’s using photography to eradicate the stigma, and encourage what she believes to be a major grassroots social and political movement.

Written by: Ellie Howard


Could legalising cannabis help Greece escape economic crisis?

Quite possibly... — As Greece embraces medical marijuana, activists at the Legalise Cannabis Protestival are pushing for full legalisation to give the austerity-ravaged country a huge economic boost.

Written by: Alex King


How medical marijuana is helping a British soldier overcome PTSD

Cannabis on the frontline — Serving as an infantryman in Afghanistan sent Paul into a black hole of drink and drugs. Now it’s medical marijuana helping him get his life back on track.

Written by: Alex King


Huck’s changemakers of 2016: The year’s greatest activism

So much for slacktivism — In this increasingly divided era, fighting for what you believe in has never seemed more necessary. Here are some of the best activism stories of 2016.

Written by: Paden Vaughan


Gregory Alan Isakov: The indie folk singer building his own off-grid paradise

A rural utopia — Gregory Alan Isakov might be touring the world with his band, but back at home in Colorado his four-and-a-half-acre farm is a sustainable nirvana: growing vegetables, medical cannabis and a whole lot more.

Written by: Noora Ismail


Smoking marijuana to treat mental illness has the power to change lives

Don't believe the scare stories — While British politicians and the general public support legalisation of medical cannabis, too many lives, like patient Julien Jesse’s, are still being devastated by prohibition.

Written by: Alex King


UK police finally wise up about cannabis, but only because they’re broke

Cuts, cannabis and clicktivism — As a government online petition takes off and austerity forces police to rethink their approach, is the UK drug debate finally catching up with the rest of the world? And could legalisation be in sight?

Written by: Alex King

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