
The horse club offering a haven for young Londoners

The horse club offering a haven for young Londoners

Riding high — In one of the most disadvantaged inner-city neighbourhoods in the country, a community project is working to transform the lives of young people – using horses.

Written by: Eva Clifford

Right-wing nation: how the UK media became broken & biased

Right-wing nation: how the UK media became broken & biased

We deserve better — Racism, bigotry, and a slowly shifting centre – writer Micha Frazer-Carroll explores how the British press became partisan without anyone noticing.

Written by: Micha Frazer-Carroll

The Great British Breakup: the Blair years

The Great British Breakup: the Blair years

Welcome to Brexitland — As Theresa May’s government ploughs on delivering a Brexit that nobody wants, our brave historian Ben Smoke dives into 40 years of mess to find out how we got here.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Celebrating style in post-industrial South Wales

Celebrating style in post-industrial South Wales

It’s called Ffasiwn (look it up) — Fusing fashion, performance and documentary, photographer Clementine Schneidermann and stylist Charlotte James present a contemporary vision of the Welsh Valleys.

Written by: Eva Clifford

Seeking Arcadia: dreamy photos of modern Britain

Seeking Arcadia: dreamy photos of modern Britain

North to south — Ian Howorth has always had a fraught relationship with the concept of ‘home’. In his first book, the photographer explores his personal connection to Britain, a country he’s lived in for the past two decades – one that has confused and captivated him.

Written by: Niall Flynn

Inside London’s secret ’love hotels’

Inside London’s secret ’love hotels’

Under the covers — Already a big hit in Japan, daytime and by-the-hour hotel bookings are becoming more popular in Western cities – it’s just that not that many people know about them yet.

Written by: Jessica Furseth

Why strippers are going on strike for workers’ rights

Why strippers are going on strike for workers’ rights

Dancing in the streets — London will get a striptease as part of a ‘disruptive’ global protest against unfair and unpaid labour which will see thousands of women walk out of work.

Written by: Lydia Morrish

The changing face of ’60s London, in photos

The changing face of ’60s London, in photos

In the swing — Photographer Frank Habicht spent a decade documenting the capital’s political and social shifts, and the bright young things who were leading them.

Written by: Miss Rosen

How to make a difference in politics, with Magid Magid

How to make a difference in politics, with Magid Magid

‘Don’t be a prick’ — For the latest instalment of our series on how to save the world, Lord Mayor of Sheffield Magid Magid how we can really fix politics – from carving out new communities, to sticking to your convictions.

Written by: Hannah Clugston

On the kindness of people, and the violence of the state

On the kindness of people, and the violence of the state

Reflections from the Stansted 15 — Stansted 15 member Mel Evans looks back on the trials and tribulations of the last few months, and explains why the fight is nowhere near won.

Written by: Mel Evans

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