
So who really is Keir Starmer?

So who really is Keir Starmer?

The battle to define the man — As the Labour leadership contest enters its next stage, writer Aaron Bastani delves deep into the current front runner, asking who or what it is he truly represents.

Written by: Aaron Bastani

If Labour wants real change, it should elect a woman leader

If Labour wants real change, it should elect a woman leader

Now there’s a radical idea — The PLP’s apparent decision to throw their weight behind a London-based male candidate feels dispiriting, if not surprising. Haven’t we been here before?

Written by: Dawn Foster

Shooting the second wave of Britain’s mods and rockers

Shooting the second wave of Britain’s mods and rockers

Raw streets — Photographer Janette Beckman shares her portraits of the UK’s most famous subcultures – two groups who were, for a brief moment in time, each other’s natural enemies.

Written by: Miss Rosen

How Manchester’s Northern Quarter lost its soul

How Manchester’s Northern Quarter lost its soul

A tale of two cities — Although hailed as the city’s ‘indie’ heartland, the area has become a tourist magnet and Airbnb hotspot. Is there still time to save it?

Written by: Andrea Sandor

The great myth of the British working class

The great myth of the British working class

A flat cap fallacy — Treating the working class as homogenous, white, and uniquely motivated by very specific political ideologies is damaging, writes Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Documenting life on the fringes in Thatcher’s Britain

Documenting life on the fringes in Thatcher’s Britain

The enemies within — In the ’80s, photographer Richard Davis moved to Hulme – a neglected corner of Manchester – where he quickly fell in with a community of artists, punks and travellers.

Written by: Miss Rosen

General Election 2019: we want you to vote Labour

General Election 2019: we want you to vote Labour

The Huck view — Politics isn’t a game. With all the fanfare surrounding election day, it’s easy to forget what’s at stake.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Ali Milani: the young muslim immigrant taking on the PM

Ali Milani: the young muslim immigrant taking on the PM

Knock Knock: An Election Special — Will this be the first time that a serving Prime Minister loses his seat? Uxbridge’s Labour candidate Ali Milani is running against Boris Johnson, in an effort to make that happen.

Written by: Josh Schot

How austerity targeted... homeless people

How austerity targeted... homeless people

Cut out: a decade of destruction — In the final instalment of Cut Out, writer and activist Tom Balderstone recalls how Tory cuts led to an unprecedented rise in homelessness.

Written by: Tom Balderstone

How the UK media became a mouthpiece for the Tories

How the UK media became a mouthpiece for the Tories

Impartiality anyone? No? — Our biggest and best-known media commentators are intent on delivering an election result that preserves their power – keeping it in the hands of the few, not the many.

Written by: Des Freedman

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