
The photographer tracing the roots of Brexit Britain

The photographer tracing the roots of Brexit Britain

Life on the margins — Over the course of a decade, CJ Clarke has been exploring what it means to be white, middle-class and English by documenting life in the remarkably unremarkable town of Basildon.

Written by: CJ Clarke

This is what 30 years of British counterculture looks like

This is what 30 years of British counterculture looks like

Exist to Resist — Matthew Smith has spent three decades documenting street culture at its rawest, from rural raves to political protests, in the face of police pressure.

Written by: Khadija Ahmed

Forever Changes: Teenage life in Britain’s old mining towns

Forever Changes: Teenage life in Britain’s old mining towns

All Dressed Up — Photographer Karen Robinson spent over a year hanging out with the young women of East Durham, illuminating the hopes and dreams of people failed by society. What she captured were candid moments of humour, innocence and working-class resilience.

Written by: Cian Traynor

The hopes and fears of young British Muslims

The hopes and fears of young British Muslims

Looking beyond the rhetoric — As Islamophobia continues to rise on both sides of the Atlantic, we spoke to five British Muslims about their thoughts, hopes and fears.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Syd Shelton's iconic images document Rock Against Racism from the inside

Syd Shelton's iconic images document Rock Against Racism from the inside

The '70s musical movement that changed Britain — For photographer Syd Shelton, it's not objectivity but getting to the heart of the story that matters - which he did as de facto photographer and key member of Rock Against Racism.

Written by: Sam Warner

What it's like to live on the fringes of British society

What it's like to live on the fringes of British society

Small Town Intertia — J.A. Mortram’s longform documentary project, produced over eight years and still ongoing, captures the lives of Britain's marginalised people.

Written by: J.A. Mortram

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