
A celebration of women in film: four names to watch in 2019

A celebration of women in film: four names to watch in 2019

From across the globe — With Manchester gearing up for HOME’s year-long season on Women in Global Cinema, head of film Rachel Hayward shares her favourite filmmakers on the lineup.

Written by: Hannah Clugston

The Great British Breakup: the Thatcher years

The Great British Breakup: the Thatcher years

Welcome to Brexitland — As Theresa May’s government ploughs on delivering a Brexit that nobody wants, our brave historian Ben Smoke dives into 40 years of mess to find out how we got here.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The changing face of Tooting Broadway Market, in photos

The changing face of Tooting Broadway Market, in photos

The Travel Diary — London tour guide Saira Niazi takes us on a photographic tour through the south London market, uncovering the alarming effects of gentrification on the local community.

Written by: Saira Niazi

Why the world still needs the Women’s March

Why the world still needs the Women’s March

Strength in numbers — This weekend, hundred of protestors took to the streets of London to march against violence and austerity.

Written by: Lydia Morrish

Meet the gatekeepers who watch over Britain’s islands

Meet the gatekeepers who watch over Britain’s islands

A quiet place — Photographer Alex Ingram spends time with the wardens of the small, remote islands scattered off the UK coast – people who live their lives in extreme solitude.

Written by: Niall Flynn

A visual history of activism in the North

A visual history of activism in the North

Power in protest — In his stark black and white images, photographer Martin Jenkinson captures the spirit, desperation and empowerment of protest.

Written by: Hannah Clugston

We stand in solidarity with the Stansted 15

We stand in solidarity with the Stansted 15

‘Shame on the home office’ — Yesterday, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the home office in support of the activists, who were convicted after blocking a deportation flight in 2017.

Written by: Kieron Monks

Dystopian shots of Britain’s rural edgelands

Dystopian shots of Britain’s rural edgelands

Bastard Countryside — In a series of manipulated images, photographer Robin Friend captures the British countryside in all of its surreal glory, depicting a national identity at odds with itself.

Written by: Jacob Charles Wilson

Back in the day: photos of Liverpool in the 1980s

Back in the day: photos of Liverpool in the 1980s

Street style — Photographer Rob Bremner captures a city brimming with character and style; filled with people living defiantly in the face of difficulty.

Written by: Jonathan Turton

The Martin Parr guide to northern England

The Martin Parr guide to northern England

Return to Manchester — The iconic photographer reflects on the North, and the locations that have inspired him over the years: ‘The place is still as bonkers as ever, it’s very surreal.’

Written by: Hannah Clugston

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