Love is not an illness — After a judge ruling authorised the usage of "sexual reversion therapy" in the country earlier this week, the LGBTQ community organises to make their voices heard and say no to intolerance.
Written by: Biju Belinky
Christian censorship — Queermuseu, a groundbreaking exhibition on queer identity, was forced to close on Sunday after receiving pressure from far-right and evangelical groups.
Written by: Biju Belinky
From Where I Stand — Pepsi's new Kendall Jenner protest advert isn't just tone-deaf and ridiculous, it highlights the all too real way in which protest movements are co-opted, not just by corporations but by those who want to hollow out a movement's radical ideas. Just look at what happened in Brazil.
Written by: Biju Belinky
Never back down — At 79 years old, Elza Soares has never been more relevant. As Brazil faces growing repression, she has become a guiding light for the country’s disenfranchised Black, female and LGBT people.
Written by: Alex King
A counterculture carnival — Showcasing the raddest surf and skate movies from across the globe, the riotous MIMPI 2016 kicks off in Rio de Janeiro, November 12-15. Here’s what not to miss.
Written by: Alex King
Demanding accountability — Brazilians affected by the fatal Samarco dam disaster in 2015 share their stories of lives destroyed and present community demands for reparations to mining corporation BHP Billiton’s London AGM.
Written by: Alex King
Police beat the shit out of peaceful protestors in São Paulo — Journalist Luciana Nanci watched anti-coup demonstrations brutally repressed by police with tear gas, stun grenades and water cannons. This is what she saw.
Written by: Luciana Nanci
Protests, prostitutes and police violence — Featuring citizen journalism collective Mídia Ninja, the Real Game project shows the Rio Olympics in a way you won’t see in the mainstream media.
Written by: Alex King
A polarised Brazil, a city in uproar — As protests against the Olympics and corruption have exposed Brazil’s ruptures for the world to see, a pioneering collaborative art project between British and Brazilian artists digs into São Paulo’s dividing lines.
Written by: Alex King
Find your shade in the human colour palette — Photographer Angélica Dass’ Humanae project is cataloguing every human skin tone to reveal the complexity of colour and race.
Written by: Alex King