
Broken Fingaz’ psychedelic graffiti pilgrimage from Mumbai to Los Angeles

Broken Fingaz’ psychedelic graffiti pilgrimage from Mumbai to Los Angeles

Journey Galactiko — Underground graffiti collective Broken Fingaz spring up in LA for a mesmerising show that takes on sex, death, Indian spirituality and capitalist advertising.

Written by: Alex King

Huck’s editor asks if magazines can change the world

Huck’s editor asks if magazines can change the world

Stories of change — Huck’s editor Andrea Kurland speaks at Tate Modern’s How to Change the World discussion, Saturday July 25.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Graffiti pioneer Lee Quiñones has kept on painting through street art's ebb and flow

Graffiti pioneer Lee Quiñones has kept on painting through street art's ebb and flow

Things I Learned Along the Way — Huck’s Fiftieth Anniversary Special collects lessons learned and creative advice from fifty of the most inspiring people we know. Each day we’ll be sharing a new excerpt from the magazine. Today, graffiti pioneer Lee Quiñones shares how, through all the art world's changes, he's found new ways to keep on keeping on.

Written by: Tom Fenwick

Clayton Patterson’s battle to save NYC’s alternative culture

Clayton Patterson’s battle to save NYC’s alternative culture

Last days on the Lower East Side — The rebel photographer on how New York City lost its way.

Written by: Alex King

The street artist responding to Greece's social turmoil

The street artist responding to Greece's social turmoil

A different story from the streets of Athens — Street artist was making street art long before the economic crisis hit Greece. But with the social and cultural impact of the nation's turmoil, his art has reflected the changing views of the dissatisfied voices he comes into contact with. His identity is anonymous, but he won't stay quiet.

Written by: Alex Robert Ross

Mr Bingo doesn't hate you... yet

Mr Bingo doesn't hate you... yet

Foul-mouthed messaging — As his hilarious Hate Mail Kickstarter video storms the internet, here’s illustrator Mr Bingo on making fun of serious business and learning how to say no.

Written by: Interview by Samantha Maine

How John Baldessari pushed art's limits by following his gut

How John Baldessari pushed art's limits by following his gut

Things I Learned Along The Way — Huck’s Fiftieth Special collects lessons learned and creative advice from fifty of the most inspiring people we know. Each day we’ll be sharing a new excerpt from the magazine. Today, pioneer of conceptual art John Baldessari talks about his desire to follow his instincts and break with convention.

Written by: Huck HQ / Shelley Jones

Artist Scott Albrecht focusses on the present in a world in flux

Artist Scott Albrecht focusses on the present in a world in flux

Here and Now - Amsterdam — Change is always going to happen, says Scott Albrecht, so his new show is all about embracing it as it comes.

Written by: Alex King

Clayton Patterson raises the ghosts of the Lower East Side’s anarchic past

Clayton Patterson raises the ghosts of the Lower East Side’s anarchic past

Outlaw art — Patterson’s Outside In retrospective at Howl Arts bridges back to the grassroots creativity of pre-gentrification NYC.

Written by: Alex King

John Booth: illustrator, textile designer and one of only 34 people Joan Rivers followed on Instagram

John Booth: illustrator, textile designer and one of only 34 people Joan Rivers followed on Instagram

The Tate Collectives 2015 — London-based artist who has collaborated with the Tate on their Sonia Delaunay exhibition describes the pros and cons of blowing up on social media.

Written by: Lily Bonesso

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