
Made In America: The artist taking action on the right to bear arms

Made In America: The artist taking action on the right to bear arms

"You’re not even American!" — When Australian-born artist CJ Hendry flew a 3,000 sq. ft. banner depicting a t-shirt twisted into the shape of a gun above a handful of U.S. cities - she did so as an act of protest. It's time to face facts, there's a crisis with gun control in the United States of America, and Hendry won't stop until the law is reformed.

Written by: Christopher Sanders

Photo collective Tripod City are capturing Ghana's Art renaissance

Photo collective Tripod City are capturing Ghana's Art renaissance

Africa's iconoclasts — A new wave of young Ghanaian artists are questioning religious traditions and finding a voice, while at the same time making art on the street. Photo collective Tripod City have been getting to know what it's really like to be in Ghana in 2016.

Written by: Max Gayler

Transcending the cruel rhythms of life in Edmonton, Canada

Transcending the cruel rhythms of life in Edmonton, Canada

Music-making in the “northern shitty oil-city” — Dave Ehrenreich’s documentary ‘Rhythm of Cruelty’ follows the Canadian band of the same name, duo and romantic partners Brandi Strauss and Ian Rowley. Ehrenreich shows how Strauss and Rowley are attempting to revise the negative stereotypes which they say are associated with Edmonton by following their dream of touring their experimental punk band.

Written by: Christopher Sanders

Meet the creative pioneers forging a new connection with the natural world

Meet the creative pioneers forging a new connection with the natural world

Finding answers in the wild — A new generation of artists and explorers are turning away from over-stimulated and under-inspired urban lives to find a more fulfilling life outdoors, explains The Outsiders editor Jeffrey Bowman.

Written by: Alex King

The artist stacking people into urban spaces to provoke a rethink of city life

The artist stacking people into urban spaces to provoke a rethink of city life

Stacking up the traditional and the modern — Austrian artist Willi Dorner’s provocative performance pieces have disrupted cities around the globe. Now he’s focussing on his homeland, to inspire a reimagining of Austria’s rich cultural and artistic life.

Written by: Advertorial

Africa’s phoenix from the flames: a creative renaissance in Rwanda

Africa’s phoenix from the flames: a creative renaissance in Rwanda

Rwanda Rising — Two decades after genocide, Rwanda has risen from the ashes. But as the country’s artists push past the panic that once turned neighbours into enemies, what does the future hold for a nation scarred by a history of divide and rule? As President Paul Kagame tightens his grip over the country, can the country’s creatives escape the growing repression?

Written by: Alex King

Re-mapping Beirut one art project at a time

Re-mapping Beirut one art project at a time

Making the most of wasted opportunities — Through a series of interactive performance pieces, art collective Dictaphone Group is fighting for the one thing Lebanon is lacking: public space.

Written by: Laurence Cornet

The artist who spent nine years illustrating a Qu’ran set in modern America

The artist who spent nine years illustrating a Qu’ran set in modern America

Art and understanding in the face of rising Islamophobia — Los Angeles-based artist Sandow Birk reimagines historical paintings with a contemporary political critique. His latest project is a Qu’ran illustrated with images from today’s America.

Written by: Alex King

Lessons on escapism from transformational artist Rolly Robinson

Lessons on escapism from transformational artist Rolly Robinson

Radiate light every day — Makeup artist and master of transformation Rolly Robinson shares his inspiring outlook on life and upliftment in ‘More is More’, a beautiful short doc from director Alexis Boling.

Written by: Alex King

The young creatives building an incubator for emerging artists

The young creatives building an incubator for emerging artists

A new creative community — The Palace is a festival like no other: a petri dish for emerging artists, created by artists for artists in a Polish mansion.

Written by: Alex King

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