
Behind the scenes on a DIY punk tour around the globe

Behind the scenes on a DIY punk tour around the globe

A photo diary — Denmark's DIY trailblazers Yung share their tour adventures, shot by frontman and creative powerhouse Mikkel Holm Silkjær.

Written by: Alex King

Vanishing relics from America’s golden age

Vanishing relics from America’s golden age

Abandoned by the roadside — Photographer Ryann Ford discovered the lost world of rest stops while road-tripping along historic Route 66. So she set out to document them across the country before they disappear.

Written by: Alex King

Explore the rebellious fringes of US culture with Unplanned America

Explore the rebellious fringes of US culture with Unplanned America

The make-it-up-as-you-go-along travel show returns — Unplanned America is the DIY adventure series that explores the most far-out subcultures in the land of free. We reached out for the lowdown on Season 3.

Written by: Alex King

How government-backed, billion-dollar lotteries exploit those most in need

How government-backed, billion-dollar lotteries exploit those most in need

Big money, bigger crisis — Some call it the "stupidity tax", others a waste of time. For many poor, addicted Americans, the lottery is a matter of necessity, even while it's costing them billions of dollars each year.

Written by: Adam White

Photographer Alec Soth on the importance of being a beginner

Photographer Alec Soth on the importance of being a beginner

Playing Around, Trying Stuff Out — Huck editor Andrea Kurland catches up with great American documentarian Alec Soth about his impressive, constantly changing career, during his first UK retrospective at the Science Museum, London.

Written by: Andrea Kurland

Justice activists join hands across the Atlantic to end police killings

Justice activists join hands across the Atlantic to end police killings

Black Lives Matter across the pond — From Mike Brown in Ferguson to Mark Duggan in London, black lives are being lost at the hands of police. But activists in the US and UK are building a transatlantic bridge, coming together to share stories of loved ones lost in their fight for change.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Photographer uses Google Street View to document fatal shootings on Instagram

Photographer uses Google Street View to document fatal shootings on Instagram

#gunviolence #everydayUSA — Photographer Michael Zbieranowski’s Someplace Else project breaks into Instagram feeds to remind us just how commonplace and everyday shootings in the US have become.

Written by: Alex King

Into the Quiet Zone: An American county living entirely off the grid

Into the Quiet Zone: An American county living entirely off the grid

Radio silence — Could you live without your iPhone? Without Instagramming your every move? Photographer Emile Holba makes a pilgrimage to Pocahontas County, West Virginia, where life inside the National Radio Quiet Zone is interference-free.

Written by: Emile Holba

Follow these photographers on Instagram for another perspective on rural America

Follow these photographers on Instagram for another perspective on rural America

Beyond Appalachia — Photographer Roger May's crowdsourced Looking at Appalachia project reveals another perspective on a misunderstood region of the US. Here he selects his five favourite Instagrammers.

Written by: Alex King

Huck’s top 10 alternative high school movies

Huck’s top 10 alternative high school movies

These ain’t no gym class heroes — Featuring indoctrination, alienation and The Ramones, this is our list of the best alternative coming-of-age flicks.

Written by: Alex King

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