Jeffrey Henson Scales intimate portraits and protest images of the BPP and its leaders offer a rare insight into organisation at a time of societal upheaval.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Taking us through one of the most dynamic years in recent history, Laylah Amatullah Barrayn new photo book contains tender yet confrontational portraits from her assignment work as a photojournalist and off-duty encounters.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Alternating between colour and black-and-white, the photographer chronicled sexual liberation, economic crises and the repercussions of the war in Vietnam.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Right to Choose — A 28-year-old from Texas shares her story of being forced to travel across state lines for an abortion that would save her life and end a pregnancy that her baby had no way of surviving.
Written by: Daisy Schofield
Photographer Anne-Marie Michel captures the women who through determination and strength are forging their own way in a male-dominated industry.
Written by: Miss Rosen
‘We won't go back!‘ — In the wake of the decision by the supreme court to overturn Roe v Wade, thousands of protestors filled the streets to express their rage and anguish.
Written by: Huck
Thomas Hoepker‘s images taken during a road trip across America provide a searing social commentary about a divided country.
Written by: Isaac Muk
Flaming hot — Following the release of his newly republished 1991 book, Redheads, the American photographer reflects on his celebration of ginger people and their magnetic power.
Written by: Miss Rosen
American elegy — From the vast landscapes of the West to the industrial fringes of New York City, Luca Campigotto’s photos offer a nostalgic and captivating vision of America.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Unrest in America — Over the past decade, photographer Joshua Rashaad McFadden has worked across genres to explore the impact of racism, masculinity, sexuality and gender on Black Americans.
Written by: Miss Rosen