
The Atlanta skate park that fought back against gentrification - and won

The Atlanta skate park that fought back against gentrification - and won

Disunited States: Black Blocks — Built in 1996 in time for Atlanta to host the Olympic Games, Black Blocks was a small urban square designed to spruce up the highway, but it quickly became an important spot for Atlanta’s skaters. Gentrification is in full swing in the city, and when the authorities tried to shut it down earlier this year, the community rallied together to save it, explains Andrew Murrell.

Written by: Andrew Murrell

Not My President: Anti-Trump protests shut down Atlanta

Not My President: Anti-Trump protests shut down Atlanta

'Fuck Trump' — While Trump is busy preparing to make America great again, divisions in the nation are growing. Across the country protests are swelling, people determined to fight back. We hit the ground for Atlanta's latest anti-Trump action.

Written by: Michael Segalov

On the frontlines of Atlanta's homelessness crisis

On the frontlines of Atlanta's homelessness crisis

America’s guilty little secret — Like every American city, homelessness in Atlanta is all too commonplace. The economic downturn hit this city hard, and gentrification finds no space for those who are desperate.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Why it disappointed me to watch Trump’s victory as a Muslim woman in America

Why it disappointed me to watch Trump’s victory as a Muslim woman in America

Breaking the melting pot — In the wake of Trump’s victory, we’re reaching out to artists, activists and countercultural figures - the people Huck was born to celebrate - for their original and thought-provoking takes on what it means for America, for them and for all of us. Eman Mohammed fought misogyny to become Gaza’s first female photojournalist. Now a US resident, she’s worried Trump’s language is destroying what makes America great: its diversity, equality and unity.

Written by: Alex King

What does Trump’s victory mean for sex-positive women?

What does Trump’s victory mean for sex-positive women?

A new sexual counter-revolution — In the wake of Trump’s victory, we’re reaching out to artists, activists and countercultural figures - the people Huck was born to celebrate - for their original and thought-provoking takes on what it means for America, for them and for all of us. After a campaign dogged by misogyny and allegations of sexual assault, we spoke to feminist porn producer and Math Magazine editor MacKenzie Peck about the devastating impact a Trump presidency could have for women.

Written by: Alex King

The new faces of black radical activism in the United Kingdom

The new faces of black radical activism in the United Kingdom

No justice, no peace — Discussing an exciting new wave of British black and brown activism with ‘Generation Revolution’ directors, Usayd Younis and Cassie Quarless.

Written by: Alex King

A Revolutionary Rampage? London's Million Mask March

A Revolutionary Rampage? London's Million Mask March

Fuck the system — This year's annual Guy Fawkes inspired Million Mask March through London was all about fireworks, flares and frustration. Every year, thousands descend on the city to demand a revolution, and this time we went down to watch.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Talks clean, acts dirty: Why we're calling bullshit on Big Oil lies

Talks clean, acts dirty: Why we're calling bullshit on Big Oil lies

What you lying for? — Despite the fact it's pretty much universally acknowledged that climate change is set to destroy humanity and the planet, big oil companies still get away with making billions through screwing up the planet. And guess what? A PR stunt today from the world's biggest conglomerates means absolutely nothing. That's why we turned up outside.

Written by: Charlie Satow

Why the High Court's ruling on Brexit was not an establishment stitch up

Why the High Court's ruling on Brexit was not an establishment stitch up

From Where I Stand — This week three High Court judges ruled that Parliament must be given a vote on triggering Brexit, much to the right-wing press's dismay. But Dr Jo Murkens argues this is simply what UK law requires, not a stitch up by judges with an agenda.

Written by: Dr Jo Murkens

The Travel Diary: Searching for scars of the Armenian Genocide

The Travel Diary: Searching for scars of the Armenian Genocide

What you see along the way — The Armenian Genocide of 1915 saw 1.5 million people systematically killed by the Ottoman Empire, and later the Turkish state. To this day, Turkey refuses to recognise this mass extermination for what it is. Daniel Gansen, an Armenian-German photographer, headed to the country to see what scars have been left.

Written by: Daniel Gansen

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