
Could immigration detention centres in Britain finally be shut down for good?

Could immigration detention centres in Britain finally be shut down for good?

Brick by brick, wall by wall — Up to a thousand protestors descended on Yarl's Wood Detention Centre on Saturday to demand the closure of prisons that lock up asylum seekers indefinitely. The calls are growing louder, could their demands soon become a reality?

Written by: Michael Segalov

There's no shame in our mental health stories

There's no shame in our mental health stories

Searching for salvation — Living with mental ill health can feel like yelling into a void with nobody listening, it's a reality that performer and activist Liv Wynter learnt at far too young an age. But now she wants to share her story, her past and present, to remind us that while we all choke there are ways to make sure next time it gets easier to breath again.

Written by: Liv Wynter

Jeremy Corbyn, Tim Farron and Michael Gove just got pranked

Jeremy Corbyn, Tim Farron and Michael Gove just got pranked

*Withheld number* — General Elections are pretty tedious, especially when the Conservative Party looks set for a landslide. Heydon Prowse decided to prank call some politicians because, well, why not?

Written by: Michael Segalov

Cyclists surround immigration removal vans to stop racist raids

Cyclists surround immigration removal vans to stop racist raids

On yer bike! — Border enforcement raids have become a regular fixture in Britain, taking to your bike to provide an alternative escort is just one effective way of protecting our communities.

Written by: Briony Cartmell

Could legalising cannabis help Greece escape economic crisis?

Could legalising cannabis help Greece escape economic crisis?

Quite possibly... — As Greece embraces medical marijuana, activists at the Legalise Cannabis Protestival are pushing for full legalisation to give the austerity-ravaged country a huge economic boost.

Written by: Alex King

In Trump's America, there is nowhere for LGBT people to hide

In Trump's America, there is nowhere for LGBT people to hide

My Month With Trump — Each month until Trump leaves office we'll be hearing how he's impacted individual lives in our column My Month With Trump. As the Bigot-in-Chief looks poised to sign an anti-LGBT executive order, LA-based Jeff Leavell hits out at his fellow white gay men just like him sitting silently by in his community as the flames of prejudice spread. There is no safe space to hide in.

Written by: Jeff Leavell

São Paulo on shutdown: The day Brazil stood still

São Paulo on shutdown: The day Brazil stood still

Greve Geral — Workers all over the country come together to protest against the weakening of labour laws, met with violent repression by the police.

Written by: Biju Belinky

The liberal redneck killing stereotypes with humour

The liberal redneck killing stereotypes with humour

Kings of comedy — From standup to satire, jokes can trigger change. To help resist – through the power of laughter – we’re celebrating radical voices that rise above the rest. In this instalment, Trae Crowder reveals why his outsider status – ‘white-trash’ meets well-educated – gives him license to pierce bubbles across the political spectrum.

Written by: Iris Mansour

How globalised agriculture is ruining lives in South America

How globalised agriculture is ruining lives in South America

The United Soya Republic — Photographer Jordi Ruiz Cirera documents how industrial farming, illegal land grabs and dangerous pesticides are destroying lives in Argentina and Paraguay.

Written by: Alex King

How we're making plans for survival in this climate of hate

How we're making plans for survival in this climate of hate

In emergency break glass — As an increasingly toxic climate descends on both sides of the Atlantic, migrants, people of colour, and those now painted as 'other' are being forced to make emergency plans to survive.

Written by: Bridget Minamore

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