
Women in creative industries: It's time to take control of your working life

Women in creative industries: It's time to take control of your working life

Women Who — Life in the creative workplace for women is tough. It's why Otegha Uwagba quit her job and launched Women Who, a community and platform for women embracing DIY in the digital age.

Written by: Briony Cartmell

These rural right-wingers are trying to create their own state

These rural right-wingers are trying to create their own state

Welcome to ‘Jefferson’ — Roused by Brexit and the rise of Trump, these Northern Californians are attempting to break away from their liberal homeland and do things their own way.

Written by: Elijah Hurwitz

Why are the G20 protesters being portrayed as ‘militants’?

Why are the G20 protesters being portrayed as ‘militants’?

Capturing another angle — Challenging the sweeping generalisations made by the global media, photographer Piotr Pietrus shares his shots from the weekend’s G20 riots.

Written by: Dominique Sisley

Inside Grow Heathrow: the UK’s most famous protest camp

Inside Grow Heathrow: the UK’s most famous protest camp

Suburban sanctuary — For the last seven years, Grow Heathrow has been fighting against the expansion of London’s busiest airport. Now – despite its positive impact on the surrounding community – the four-acre eco-squat is facing the threat of closure.

Written by: Charlotte England

Iran’s youth are kickstarting a grassroots revolution

Iran’s youth are kickstarting a grassroots revolution

Iranian Aliens — In the shadows of the country’s hardline regime, young liberal Iranians – now the majority of the population – are finding creative new ways to rebel.

Written by: Alex Pierce

The encryption activists fighting mass surveillance

The encryption activists fighting mass surveillance

Feel like you're being watched? — Big Brother is no longer science fiction. In the age of Trump and heavy-handed states, our every move is being monitored and watched. But there's a way to protect your data and survive the coming storm... if you know who to call.

Written by: Jessica Holland

Exploring the back streets at London Pride 2017

Exploring the back streets at London Pride 2017

Cutting out the commercialism — Now in its 45th year, the annual march is a no-holds-barred celebration of LGBT sexuality – but the corporate sponsorship is louder than ever. Here, we escape the crowds to find the real heart of the party.

Written by: Dominique Sisley

Naomi Klein says Grenfell Tower is "lovelessness in public"

Naomi Klein says Grenfell Tower is "lovelessness in public"

A tragedy of fake facades — Cult writer Naomi Klein has been debunking neoliberalism's gilded promise since the 1990s. Grenfell Tower, she says, is yet another tragic reminder that beyond the golden surface lies a rotten core.

Written by: Andrea Kurland

If Trump does make a sneak visit to Britain, he'll see we (still) don't want him

If Trump does make a sneak visit to Britain, he'll see we (still) don't want him

From Where I Stand — Even if Donald Trump only makes a sneak trip to the UK now his state visit has been cancelled, the British public will make it clear he's still not welcome.

Written by: Michael Segalov

The Israeli soldiers breaking their silence, revealing the reality of occupied Palestine

The Israeli soldiers breaking their silence, revealing the reality of occupied Palestine

An illegal occupation — Nadav Weiman dreamed of becoming a sniper in the Israeli military, but making that a reality opened his eyes to an unspoken truth: he’d been duped into committing injustice. Now he’s helping others speak out.

Written by: Michael Segalov

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