
In France, thousands protest violence against women

In France, thousands protest violence against women

Paris goes purple — Around 30,000 people took to the streets of Paris on Saturday for a rally spurred by #NousToutes (#UsAll) – the feminist movement calling for an end to all forms of violence against women.

Written by: Alexander Durie

From hip hop to activism: A photographer’s life on the road

From hip hop to activism: A photographer’s life on the road

Nomad’s land — Raised on the move, Jessica Lehrman inherited a restless search for magic. These days she applies that spirit of wanderlust in a different way – documenting underground movements – but the ethos is just the same.

Written by: Jessica Lehrman

The untold story of Manchester’s LGBTQ pioneers

The untold story of Manchester’s LGBTQ pioneers

Invisible Women — Together, Angela Cooper and Luchia Fitzgerald transformed the lives of thousands of women – yet no record of their activism exists. Now, a new documentary is shining a light on their incredible story.

Written by: Liam Taft

The story behind the biggest killer of young men in the UK

The story behind the biggest killer of young men in the UK

Elephant in the room — In Evelyn, a gut-wrenchingly personal new documentary, White Helmets director Orlando von Einsiedel tackles the subject of male suicide; telling the story of his brother’s death, and the effect it had on his friends and family.

Written by: Alex King

Protestors call for immediate action on climate change

Protestors call for immediate action on climate change

‘The time to rebel is now’ — This weekend, thousands of demonstrators from environmental activist group Extinction Rebellion blockaded the bridges of London.

Written by: Eva Clifford

A definitive guide to the history of medical cannabis

A definitive guide to the history of medical cannabis

Join us on this journey — From aiding constipation in ancient China, to relieving Queen Victoria’s period pains, writer and pharmacist Jonny Winship uncovers the surprising legacy of the controversial drug.

Written by: Jonny Winship

Hope and heartbreak: how Texas almost made history

Hope and heartbreak: how Texas almost made history

America goes to the polls — The Democrats were betting on Beto O’Rourke to bring liberal values and progressivism to one of the reddest states in America. But are residents really ready for such a ‘Bold Vision’ of Texas?

Written by: Cameron Maynard

Young Brazilians take to the streets over hate attacks

Young Brazilians take to the streets over hate attacks

And so it begins... — Earlier this week, Brazil elected the racist, sexist, climate change-denying neofascist Jair Bolsonaro to be president. Now, it’s time for resistance.

Written by: Lucca Messer

This is what a far-right rally looks like

This is what a far-right rally looks like

Bolsonaro’s Brazil — Jair Bolsonaro – Brazil’s sexist, racist, pro-torture presidential candidate – currently has the support of most of the country. But why? Filmmaker Lucca Messer joins the crowds to investigate.

Written by: Vince Medeiros

What is sustainable tourism, and why does it matter?

What is sustainable tourism, and why does it matter?

The Future Of Travel — The Azores – nine lush, untouched islands located off the coast of Portugal – are seen as some of the world’s most ‘sustainable destinations.’ Writer April Clare Welsh heads there to find out why.

Written by: April Clare Welsh

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