
Introducing The Lock-In, our new weekly YouTube show

Introducing The Lock-In, our new weekly YouTube show

Watch Episode One now — For the remainder of lockdown, we’ll be bringing you the best in comment and analysis – all while providing practical advice on how to keep yourself sane, safe and healthy during the long days at home.

Written by: Huck

Fast fashion hasn’t stopped putting profits over people

Fast fashion hasn’t stopped putting profits over people

The Coronavirus fallout — As shipments get cancelled and factories shut down, the global pandemic has caused chaos and suffering for millions of garment workers across the Global South.

Written by: Tansy Hoskins

How climate activism is adapting amid global lockdown

How climate activism is adapting amid global lockdown

Join the digital strike — With street protests now banned thanks to the Coronavirus crisis, Fridays For Futures school strikers are finding new ways to advocate for change.

Written by: Daisy Schofield

Ways you can help during the Coronavirus crisis

Ways you can help during the Coronavirus crisis

(Aside from staying at home) — We may be trapped inside, but there is still so much we can do to support each other and help the most vulnerable in our communities.

Written by: Eva Clifford

Why Gibraltar still has Europe’s harshest abortion laws

Why Gibraltar still has Europe’s harshest abortion laws

Time for change — The UK territory is set to become the third country ever to hold a public vote on its abortion laws – and it’s been a long time coming.

Written by: Lydia Morrish

Drillminister: ‘I’m the last chance of real democracy’

Drillminister: ‘I’m the last chance of real democracy’

London’s next mayor? — Despite early criticism, the drill artist has emerged as one of the most passionate and determined candidates in this year’s London mayoral elections. We met him to hear more about his plans for the capital.

Written by: Jake Hall

On the frontline with the UK’s student climate strikers

On the frontline with the UK’s student climate strikers

The kids are alright — In a new film for Huck, we catch up with the London school strikers on the anniversary of their first action.

Written by: Huck

Let’s be real: vegan sausage rolls are not going to save us

Let’s be real: vegan sausage rolls are not going to save us

The Fightback: Climate — Individual solutions will not solve this mess as long as energy companies still ravage the environment.

Written by: Ben Smoke

A portrait of teenage resistance in Brazil

A portrait of teenage resistance in Brazil

When it breaks, it burns — In 2015, photographer Alicia Esteves captured São Paulo’s revolutionary student riots, when local teens broke in and occupied schools to prevent their closure.

Written by: Miss Rosen

The garden project exposing the fault lines of US justice

The garden project exposing the fault lines of US justice

Inside the prisoner’s apothecary — The Prisoner’s Apothecary is a mobile healing unit bringing natural medicines to communities impacted by mass incarceration. 

Written by: Miss Rosen

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