
In the UK’s coastal towns, queer voices remain unheard

In the UK’s coastal towns, queer voices remain unheard

Salt in the wound — Poverty and deprivation are rife in the UK’s seaside towns. Writer Tom Stockley, who grew up in Torbay, describes how for LGBTQ+ communities, this can have a particularly devastating impact.

Written by: Tom Stockley

Why more young women are turning to celibacy

Why more young women are turning to celibacy

‘It’s easier this way’ — The pandemic may have put hook-up culture on hold, but even as lockdown has eased, many young women are turning away from casual sex and opting for abstinence instead.

Written by: Katie Tobin

The fight against the UK‘s new women’s immigration centre

The fight against the UK‘s new women’s immigration centre

No To Hassockfield — Campaigners aren‘t giving up the fight to close a ‘barbaric’ detention centre which they say endangers women looking for safety.

Written by: Lauren Crosby Medlicott

‘Anonymous police accounts’ are inciting Twitter pile-ons

‘Anonymous police accounts’ are inciting Twitter pile-ons

Institutionally corrupt — Twitter users claiming to be police officers have been responsible for launching sustained attacks on other accounts. After experiencing this abuse firsthand, journalist Rebecca Tidy uncovers the scale of the problem.

Written by: Rebecca Tidy

Britain’s ESEA communities are rising up against racism

Britain’s ESEA communities are rising up against racism

A new collection of essays gives voice to a demographic which has been newly-galvanised into action following a rise in anti-Asian hate.

Written by: Ian Wang

The IOPC report shows it‘s time to abolish the police

The IOPC report shows it‘s time to abolish the police

ACAB — A damning report from the police watchdog has shed light on the culture of bullying, racism and misogyny within the Met. It should make clear that the police are beyond reform, argues Ben Smoke.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Israel’s attacks on Amnesty weaponise anti-semitism

Israel’s attacks on Amnesty weaponise anti-semitism

Free Palestine — A report from Amnesty says that Israel’s apartheid against Palestine is a crime against humanity. The attempts to undermine the organisation’s findings must be resisted, writes Yael Shafritz.

Written by: Yael Shafritz

Inside Spain’s failed plan to fix the gig economy

Inside Spain’s failed plan to fix the gig economy

Riders law — A law brought in to improve the working conditions of gig workers in Spain has backfired, as companies go to great lengths to avoid implementing it.

Written by: Maria Alemany Ortiz and Will Hecker

The students fighting to keep cops off campus

The students fighting to keep cops off campus

Leading the resistance — Lockdown rules gave cops a justification for increasing their presence, but the easing of restrictions hasn’t stopped the issue of over-policing on university campuses.

Written by: Chloé Meley

Body-worn cameras are quietly taking over London

Body-worn cameras are quietly taking over London

Surveillance nation — FoIs obtained by Huck reveal just how widespread body cams are among police and TfL staff. While promised to increase accountability, the proliferation of the tech raises questions over who it really serves.

Written by: Will Grimond

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