
Understanding the deep roots of racism

Understanding the deep roots of racism

Where do we stand after Ferguson and Eric Garner? — On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Huck explores how institutional racism remains extensive in the US and worldwide.

Written by: Alex King

Our oceans are going to die unless we do something to save them soon

Our oceans are going to die unless we do something to save them soon

Findings published in Science journal — According to new research by leading environmental scientists, our oceans are being damaged at an alarming new rate.

Written by: Shelley Jones

Twitter responds hilariously to Fox News' Islamophobic Birmingham comments

Twitter responds hilariously to Fox News' Islamophobic Birmingham comments

#foxnewsfacts backlash — Fox News commentator suggests Birmingham is a no-go zone for non-Muslisms and Twitter reacts in the best way ever.

Written by: Shelley Jones

Meet the Berliners resisting the rise of the far right in Germany

Meet the Berliners resisting the rise of the far right in Germany

Marching against PEGIDA — Anti-Islam group PEGIDA is rallying against multiculturalism across Germany but now there is a resistance movement fighting back.

Written by: Jen Calleja

Artists respond to Charlie Hebdo shootings

Artists respond to Charlie Hebdo shootings

Je Suis Charlie — Illustrators and cartoonists around the world rally around to show solidarity for those murdered at Charlie Hebdo magazine offices in Paris.

Written by: Shelley Jones

Activists highlight the pointlessness of bullshit jobs

Activists highlight the pointlessness of bullshit jobs

Subversive signs on London Underground — Huck catches up with a spokesperson from STRIKE! magazine to find out why they're calling for collective action against crap employment.

Written by: Shelley Jones

Dalai Lama does Glastonbury

Dalai Lama does Glastonbury

The Dalai Lama may have gotten one up on China with a Glastonbury 2015 spot. — A Glastonbury spot is a natural for Tibetan Buddhism’s leader. And by dubbing him a Jackal, Splittist and Wolf in Monk’s Robes, China has made him sound like the most rock n’ roll monk ever.

Written by: D'Arcy Doran

The revolutionary power of citizen journalism

The revolutionary power of citizen journalism

Little Brother is watching Big Brother — Livestreaming is the future of citizen journalism and a vital tool to build a stronger democracy, says Bruno Torturra, co-founder of Mídia Ninja.

Written by: Alex King

Filmmaker makes plea for journo detained in Azerbaijan, the pits of press freedom

Filmmaker makes plea for journo detained in Azerbaijan, the pits of press freedom

Liz Mermin calls for release of Khadija Ismayilova — Liz Mermin, a collaborator with recently imprisoned journalist Khadija Ismayilova, describes corruption and human rights abuse in Azerbaijan.

Written by: Cormac O'Brien

Egypt's revolutionary street artists silenced by new military dictatorship

Egypt's revolutionary street artists silenced by new military dictatorship

Writing on the wall — Egypt’s 2011 revolution filled the streets with colour, but now the new regime is stamping out creative resistance.

Written by: Alex King

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