
Is New York still a city of dreams?

Is New York still a city of dreams?

No more rags to riches — Writer Alan Kaufman and artist Clayton Patterson discuss how their personal journeys of social advancement and creative expression no longer seem possible in today’s NYC.

Written by: Alex King

Can Russell Brand's Trew Era Café kick off a social change revolution?

Can Russell Brand's Trew Era Café kick off a social change revolution?

Coffee shop revolutionary — Russell Brand's new social enterprise café on Hoxton's New Era estate is an ambitious attempt to kickstart people-powered change.

Written by: Megan White

How did 22 innocent Chinese Uyghurs get sucked into America’s War on Terror?
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How did 22 innocent Chinese Uyghurs get sucked into America’s War on Terror?

Lives destroyed by a decade in the black hole of Guantánamo — Director Patricio Henriquez shares the remarkable story behind his documentary Uyghurs, Prisoners of the Absurd.

Written by: Alex King

Russell Brand occupies an empty home and steps into London’s fierce housing battle

Russell Brand occupies an empty home and steps into London’s fierce housing battle

A new frontline in London’s housing crisis — Talking capitalism, free ice cream and fighting the social cleansing of Barnet’s Sweets Way Estate with comedian-turned-revolutionary Russell Brand.

Written by: Alex King

Banksy paints cute cat to draw attention to horrors in Gaza

Banksy paints cute cat to draw attention to horrors in Gaza

Street art in a warzone — UK street artist leaves some poignant messages in Palestine and sends a painfully ironic video out the world.

Written by: Shelley Jones

It’s time to end the darkness in Syria

It’s time to end the darkness in Syria

Stand #withSyria — On the fourth anniversary of the Syrian conflict, a major new campaign has been launched to find peace and halt civilian suffering.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Watch Paddle Against the Flow spring to life in video

Watch Paddle Against the Flow spring to life in video

This is Generation DIY — Huck's first book is a treasure trove of advice on how to lead a creative life from inspiring indie icons – from Douglas Coupland and Spike Jonze to Miranda July and Kim Gordon. See it come to life.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Where are young voices in the media?

Where are young voices in the media?

Breaking down the walls — The Youth Media Agency helps journalists, filmmakers and artists develop their skills and amplify their voice. Check out their new #XXVOTE campaign, which aims to get more young women registered to vote.

Written by: Alex King

Five things you should know about fossil fuel divestment

Five things you should know about fossil fuel divestment

Put the brakes on climate change — As the London Assembly made a historic vote to divest from fossil fuels, here’s what you need to know about the global divestment movement.

Written by: Alex King

Something to think about before you drink your next cup of tea: Fairtrade Matters

Something to think about before you drink your next cup of tea: Fairtrade Matters

Ethical farming in Malawi — Photographer and filmmaker Will Robson-Scott travels to Malawi to document the effects of the Fairtrade movement.

Written by: Shelley Jones

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