
Community is the true star of Russell Brand's revolution

Community is the true star of Russell Brand's revolution

Things I Learned Along the Way — Huck’s Fiftieth Anniversary Special collects lessons learned and creative advice from fifty of the most inspiring people we know. Each day we’ll be sharing a new excerpt from the magazine. Today, comedian turned revolutionary Russell Brand explains that the focus and force of the revolution are the communities fighting for survival against social cleansing.

Written by: Huck HQ / Alex King

Five things we learned from London’s anti-austerity march

Five things we learned from London’s anti-austerity march

National Demonstration Against Austerity — From Athens to Andalucia, growing numbers of Europeans are taking a stand against austerity. Here’s what we learned from the hundreds of thousands who took to the streets on Saturday to protest the new UK government’s policy of cuts and privatisations.

Written by: Robin Nierynck

We need to take some time to celebrate indigenous cultures so they don't disappear

We need to take some time to celebrate indigenous cultures so they don't disappear

Best on show at Origins Festival — The three-week festival highlights the arts and perspectives of indigenous cultures of the world across 12 countries and venues.

Written by: Robin Nierynck

The start-up school that wants to make the world a better place

The start-up school that wants to make the world a better place

Ideas Farm 2015 — Ideas Farm is a new event from the people behind The Do Lectures and it aims to pair young entrepreneurs with successful business people to create a new wave of indie projects.

Written by: Shelley Jones

London’s bike couriers channel the miner spirit and rally for living wage

London’s bike couriers channel the miner spirit and rally for living wage

Fair pay protest — The living wage debate rages on as protestors gathered at the CitySprint courier service headquarters in Shoreditch demand fair pay.

Written by: Robin Nierynck

Five things you should know about Azerbaijan

Five things you should know about Azerbaijan

The dubious hosts of Europe's mini-Olympics — On the heels of the FIFA circus, the people behind the Olympics are now unveiling their latest franchise in oil-rich Azerbaijan, a country perhaps best-known for its poor human rights record.

Written by: Cormac O'Brien

What we learned from Howard Marks’ Lost Lecture

What we learned from Howard Marks’ Lost Lecture

“I just fight like fuck” — After being diagnosed with terminal cancer last year, Britain’s most notorious drug smuggler Howard Marks made a rare appearance at the Lost Lectures to talk about his former life and battle for cannabis legalisation.

Written by: Alex King

Five things you should know about the Irish equality referendum

Five things you should know about the Irish equality referendum

Fear, loathing and homophobia — Ireland's LGBT community are locked in a fierce battle with the religious right over the forthcoming equality referendum on May 22. Here's everything you need to know.

Written by: Cormac O'Brien

Is democracy a religion that has failed the poor?

Is democracy a religion that has failed the poor?

The illusion of empowerment — After the disappointment of the UK's election result, Dr Giles Fraser wonders if elections are just an elaborate charade to maintain the status quo.

Written by: Alex King

England’s Dreaming: Reflections on the UK General Election

England’s Dreaming: Reflections on the UK General Election

Where WERE the politics? — Huck’s editor-at-large Michael Fordham reflects on an emotional election day journey around London, finding politics altogether absent.

Written by: Michael Fordham

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