
Canada is finally investigating murders of First Nations women

Canada is finally investigating murders of First Nations women

A breakthrough for justice — The homicide rate for indigenous women is four times the national average. At long last, Canada’s new government is no longer ignoring the problem.

Written by: Adam White

Minority students' futures are under threat in the United States

Minority students' futures are under threat in the United States

Battle for equality on campus — The future of diverse higher education in the United States could be at risk, as a young white woman challenges affirmative action before Congress.

Written by: Adam White

How to understand the far right Front National’s victory in France

How to understand the far right Front National’s victory in France

Europe flirts with fascism. Again. — Thanks to exploiting terrorism and the refugee crisis, 2015 has been a great year for Europe’s far right. But their appeal runs much deeper, explains professor James Shields.

Written by: Alex King

Hugo Chavez’s Bolivarian revolution crumbles in Venezuela

Hugo Chavez’s Bolivarian revolution crumbles in Venezuela

Latin America’s progressive ‘pink tide’ is on the way out — Victory for the right wing opposition in Venezuela’s national elections is another defeat for left-leaning populist governments across the continent.

Written by: Alex King

How the Paris attacks have made a desperate situation worse for Europe’s refugees

How the Paris attacks have made a desperate situation worse for Europe’s refugees

Cold weather and cold hearts — Humanitarian concerns have taken a backseat while France, the UK and their allies wage war on ISIS in Syria. For migrants in the Calais Jungle camp, this means a long, tough winter.

Written by: Fiorella Lecoutteux

How political correctness at university is threatening student art

How political correctness at university is threatening student art

Challenging the idea of 'safe spaces' — In conversation with two art students exploring race, sex and politics in an era of the university 'safe space.'

Written by: Adam White

The battle to save the planet doesn’t end with the Paris climate change conference

The battle to save the planet doesn’t end with the Paris climate change conference

France’s state of emergency won’t stop the green movement — Activists are determined government restrictions won’t prevent them from building a powerful grassroots movement for climate justice, explains Danielle Paffard of

Written by: Alex King

Young, British and angry? The government thinks you're a terrorist

Young, British and angry? The government thinks you're a terrorist

Start of a police state? — A London children's safeguarding board has warned parents that distrust of government policy and the mainstream media could lead to potential extremism.

Written by: Adam White

In Pictures: Political posters in the Philippines, speaking out against corruption

In Pictures: Political posters in the Philippines, speaking out against corruption

Trapo by Lawrence Sumulong — Filipino-American photographer Lawrence Sumulong photographs political posters, ahead of 2016 elections, to show distrust in a country ravaged by corruption.

Written by: Shelley Jones

The artists turning acts of pollution into works of art

The artists turning acts of pollution into works of art

Ice, sewage and the Beijing smog creatively reimagined — Angered by the environmental chaos on their doorsteps, artists turn to their craft to vent their frustrations.

Written by: Adam White

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