Artists respond to Charlie Hebdo shootings

Artists respond to Charlie Hebdo shootings
Je Suis Charlie — Illustrators and cartoonists around the world rally around to show solidarity for those murdered at Charlie Hebdo magazine offices in Paris.

Following the tragic death of twelve people at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine headquarters in Paris today, cartoonists, illustrators and artists around the world are posting images declaring their solidarity.

Masked gunmen – armed with a Kalashnikov and a shotgun – attacked Charlie Hebdo this morning, Wednesday January 7, in what appears to be an act of retribution for controversial images the magazine has published.

The magazine has frequently been criticised – and prosecuted under anti-racism laws – for publishing cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. Its offices were firebombed in 2011 after it published a spoof cover featuring a cartoon of the Muslim prophet.

Dave Brown, political cartoonist for The Independent
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Marynn Marynn, French illustrator

Mazen Kerbaj, political cartoonist and writer based in Lebanon
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Jean Jullien, French illustrator
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James Jarvis, London-based illustrator
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JC de Castelbajac, French fashion designer
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Gonza Rodriguez, artist based in Porto Alegre, Brazil
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Alex Mellon, illustrator based in London
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Oriol Malet, Spanish graphic artist

Margaux Arramon-Tucoo, French artist

Benjamin Jeanjean, French artist
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Dani Garreton, Chilean artist based in San Sebastian
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Albert Uderzo, co-creator of the Asterix comic book series

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