
New rules risk locking poorer students out of uni

New rules risk locking poorer students out of uni

Cruel system — Proposals to introduce a minimum GCSE threshold for student loans will disproportionately affect those from marginalised backgrounds, reports Ella Glover.

Written by: Ella Glover

Photos documenting the UK’s avid trainspotting community

Photos documenting the UK’s avid trainspotting community

Freddie Miller’s new series of photographs investigates who today’s trainspotters are and what drives their unfettered enthusiasm.

Written by: Dalia Al-Dujaili

A stark portrait of derelict housing estates in East London

A stark portrait of derelict housing estates in East London

Photographer David Hoffman recalls documenting the extreme wealth inequality around Tower Hamlets and Hackney int the 1980s.

Written by: Miss Rosen

Thousands protest in London over the cost of living crisis

Thousands protest in London over the cost of living crisis

‘Tories out!‘ — With inflation now at a 40-year-high of 9 per cent, demonstrations organised by TUC took place to demand action from the government.

Written by: Huck

‘Tenants’: how we can tackle Britain's housing emergency

‘Tenants’: how we can tackle Britain's housing emergency

In her new book, Vicky Spratt explores the country’s housing crisis in human terms and calls for radical action to address a broken system.

Written by: Diyora Shadijanova

Photos capturing the changing face of Northern England

Photos capturing the changing face of Northern England

Finland-born photographer Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen looks back on her decades-long documentation of life in Northern England.

Written by: Gilda Bruno

How food banks are weathering the cost of living crisis
At What Cost?

How food banks are weathering the cost of living crisis

The past five years have seen a staggering increase in food bank usage across the UK. Now, staff fear things are set to get much worse.

Written by: Ben Smoke

On trans rights, the media lags behind the public

On trans rights, the media lags behind the public

A new report has found that the majority of Britains approach trans issues with compassion. It’s about time this was reflected by our media landscape.

Written by: Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir

Rave, punk and protest: a tribute to Plymouth at night

Rave, punk and protest: a tribute to Plymouth at night

The curators of a new exhibition are hoping to shed light on Plymouth’s vibrant but often overlooked nightlife throughout the decades.

Written by: Jumi Akinfenwa

Why we blocked a road to stop the Rwanda flight

Why we blocked a road to stop the Rwanda flight

No human is illegal — Over a dozen Stop Deportation activists locked themselves to each other outside a detention centre to prevent coaches taking those due to be on the Rwanda deportation flight from leaving.

Written by: Stop Deportations

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