
The media must end its greenwashing of the Tories

The media must end its greenwashing of the Tories

Climate takeover — The UK media has a long history of failing to highlight the voices that really matter in the fight against the climate crisis – and this COP26 has been no different, writes Kimi Chaddah.

Written by: Kimi Chaddah

Photos of the people resisting the reality of the climate crisis

Photos of the people resisting the reality of the climate crisis

Climate takeover — A new exhibition in Glasgow coinciding with COP26 travels across countries and over decades to expose how businesses and governments, both at home and globally, play a part in the unfair impacts of climate change.

Written by: Ben Smoke

‘Net zero’ is not enough – we must end fossil fuels

‘Net zero’ is not enough – we must end fossil fuels

Climate takeover — In an excerpt from her new book, Holly Jean Buck outlines the five main ideas which underpin the end of fossil fuel use.

Written by: Holly Jean Buck

The Global Day of Action in Glasgow & London – in photos

The Global Day of Action in Glasgow & London – in photos

Climate takeover — This weekend, to mark COP26, demonstrators from around the world came together to demand action on climate change, with as many as 250,000 protestors showing up in Glasgow to march near the summit.

Written by: Huck

‘It’s absolutely horrific’: Inside Britain’s sewage crisis

‘It’s absolutely horrific’: Inside Britain’s sewage crisis

Climate takeover — In recent years, the thousands of discharges of raw sewage into England’s rivers, sometimes carried out illegally, have become impossible to ignore. Now, campaigners are calling on the government to place a legal duty on water companies not to pump waste into rivers.

Written by: Andrew Kersley

Photo highlights from the first week of COP26

Photo highlights from the first week of COP26

Climate takeover — Photographer Ben Millar Cole has been on the streets of Glasgow this week capturing the colourful and diverse protests taking place around the UN conference.

Written by: Huck

COP26: the inhumane tactics police are using on activists

COP26: the inhumane tactics police are using on activists

Climate takeover — Just days into the conference, some climate protestors report being forced into a police kettle for hours in the cold without toilet access.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Fight for the future: our best climate protest photos

Fight for the future: our best climate protest photos

Climate takeover — As part of our climate takeover to mark COP26, we're dipping into the archives and sharing some of our best photos capturing climate activism over the past few years.

Written by: Huck

There can be no eco justice without debt cancellation

There can be no eco justice without debt cancellation

Climate takeover — The communities on the frontline of climate chaos are being forced to shoulder the financial and ecological burden of a crisis that they did not create. Debt repayments must therefore be cancelled, argues Daniel Willis from Global Justice Now.

Written by: Daniel Willis

Why I occupied the Science Museum to demand eco justice

Why I occupied the Science Museum to demand eco justice

Izzy Warren, a 17-year-old campaigner with UK Student Climate Network, explains why she took part in a protest against the museum’s sponsorship deals with fossil fuel companies.

Written by: Izzy Warren

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