Vince Medeiros


How the hell do the British tabloids get away with it?

Libel, lies and legal — UK tabloids publish covers that seem to defame on a regular basis – but somehow they get away with it. Huck's media lawyer, Alex Wade, explains the tenuous line separating free speech from libel – and why he's written a whole novel about it.

Written by: Vince Medeiros


Remembering Fabio da Costa Saldanha: The young star of Rio Breaks

Rest in peace — On 3 March 2017, 22-year-old Fabio da Costa Saldanha was shot dead by Brazilian police. Just ten years ago he was the subject of a documentary, Rio Breaks; one of two kids captured in a Rio de Janeiro favela learning to navigate the world around them. Huck Publisher and Rio Breaks writer/co-producer Vince Medeiros pays tribute to Fabio.

Written by: Vince Medeiros


The former dentist who turned into the world's most extreme action man

This is Atomic Ant — To celebrate 10 years of Huck, we're digging through the archives to unearth our favourite stories about inspiring people and movements who have graced the magazine's pages. Kicking things off: a story from the first issue, penned by then-editor, now publisher, Vince Medeiros.

Written by: Vince Medeiros


Nation State

Amalgamations of Landmass and People — HUCK founder Vince Medeiros muses on the ridiculous nature of the imagined nation state.

Written by: Vince Medeiros



Mags with No Ads — Kalle Lasn, founder of Adbusters magazine, speaks to HUCK about the future of a more disruptive media.

Written by: Vince Medeiros


Slavoj Žižek

The End Times — Rock star philosopher and critical theorist Slavoj Žižek takes on hypocrisy, cheap Hollywood Marxism and the final crisis of capitalism.

Written by: Vince Medeiros

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