Theo McInnes

Education is a right: Thousands of students protest in Central London

Education is a right: Thousands of students protest in Central London

Free. Education. Now. — Over 15,000 students marched through central London this weekend to demand free and accessible education for all, not rip off fees and a lifetime of debt.

Written by: Theo McInnes

A Revolutionary Rampage? London's Million Mask March

A Revolutionary Rampage? London's Million Mask March

Fuck the system — This year's annual Guy Fawkes inspired Million Mask March through London was all about fireworks, flares and frustration. Every year, thousands descend on the city to demand a revolution, and this time we went down to watch.

Written by: Michael Segalov

The families of those who've died in police custody are still demanding justice

The families of those who've died in police custody are still demanding justice

No justice, no peace — The United Families and Friends Campaign held their annual procession through London this weekend to demand justice for those who've died in police custody.

Written by: Theo McInnes

We don't need saving: London sex workers demand an end to racist police raids

We don't need saving: London sex workers demand an end to racist police raids

No bad women, just bad laws — Women from the English Collective of Prostitutes and the Sex Workers Open University protest police attitudes to migrants sex workers. Sex workers don't need a hero, they say, but to be treated like humans.

Written by: Ella Guthrie

Photos from this weekend's protest demanding action in Aleppo

Photos from this weekend's protest demanding action in Aleppo

Bearing the brunt — Hundreds of people stand outside Downing Street to demand the UK government takes action to bring an end to the bloodshed in Aleppo.

Written by: Theo McInnes

Missing Medicines: Taking on the big-pharma monopoly

Missing Medicines: Taking on the big-pharma monopoly

People not profit — The current monopoly of the pharmaceutical industry by corporate giants is costing lives, but individuals and group initiatives are challenging the system, campaigning for widespread use of generic drugs and affordable price tags.

Written by: Marianna Manson

Pussy Riot's Maria Alyokhina learnt young the price paid for standing up to injustice

Pussy Riot's Maria Alyokhina learnt young the price paid for standing up to injustice

A life of punk protest — We've all watched the videos, we've seen the pictures of Pussy Riot taking on the Russian state on our screens. For Maria Alyokhina though, a life of challenging the status quo, and paying for the consequences, had started many years before. Sam Williams meets Alyokhina in London, as she performs in a new play, Burning Doors.

Written by: Sam Williams

Do people really want to chat on the Tube?

Do people really want to chat on the Tube?

Apparently not — Unofficial Tube Chat badges have been handed out on the Underground to get antisocial Londoners talking. Could it work? I went to try one out.

Written by: Alex King

We watched homeless squatters take an old seaside nightclub

We watched homeless squatters take an old seaside nightclub

Acting on homelessness — Darren Davies' high-profile occupations of derelict buildings in Southend are forcing a debate around the lack of housing and support for homeless people in the area.

Written by: Alex King

The sex trafficking survivor who turned her nightmare into a feature film

The sex trafficking survivor who turned her nightmare into a feature film

“This could happen to anybody" — Actress Frida Farrell was kidnapped and sex trafficked in central London. Years later, she’s written 'Selling Isobel' and relived her ordeal on screen, in the hope that no woman has to repeat her experience.

Written by: Alex King

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