Taylor McGraa

Bringing gender fluidity into the politics of the nipple

Bringing gender fluidity into the politics of the nipple

#FreeTheNipple — The Free the Nipple is a campaign saturated by conversations on the female body – but what about those who do not fall within conventional gender binaries? Meet two activists bringing trans and non-binary back into the politics of the nipple.

Written by: Taylor McGraa

Rising MC Loyle Carner is bringing sensitive soul to London’s hip hop scene

Rising MC Loyle Carner is bringing sensitive soul to London’s hip hop scene

Fresh, honest beats — Unapologetically open about his personal life, the South London rapper talks to us about his experience with ADHD, a future cooking project with teens, and an adopted younger sister on the way.

Written by: Taylor McGraa

Where is Ana Mendieta? Protestors storm opening night at the Tate

Where is Ana Mendieta? Protestors storm opening night at the Tate

Enough is enough — Protestors stormed the opening of a new wing at London's Tate Modern gallery this weekend, to protest the exclusion of artist Ana Mendieta's work, and to highlight the way women are treated in the industry.

Written by: Taylor McGraa

The British university where a degree doesn't mean a lifetime of debt

The British university where a degree doesn't mean a lifetime of debt

Learning for love, not money — In a society that is obsessed with consumer culture, even our education system is marketised, coming at an ever-increasing price. With students leaving university in masses of debt, the Free University of Brighton are offering a degree without the price tag. Could this be the start of an alternative education system for all?

Written by: Taylor McGraa

Illustrator Tim Lane on philosophy, death and 'crap' modern art

Illustrator Tim Lane on philosophy, death and 'crap' modern art

Drawing your existential crisis — Illustrator of all things beautifully dark and beastly, Tim Lane is currently producing his second hardback publication. Here he talks to Huck about his disdain for the ‘amalgam of crap’ that is modern art, and his desire to create images which are not just aesthetically pleasing, but have a philosophical meaning too.

Written by: Taylor McGraa

Seeking justice for the victims of Bhopal through music

Seeking justice for the victims of Bhopal through music

It's time for action — Activist and rapper Sofia Ashraf made headlines last summer when she called out Unilever for poisoning the soil and water of her town. In her newest video denounces the US Department of Justice for failing to support India in their fight for justice after the Bhopal chemical disaster.

Written by: Taylor McGraa

This exhibition will challenge your misconceptions of the Calais 'Jungle'

This exhibition will challenge your misconceptions of the Calais 'Jungle'

Call me by my name — A new exhibition displays work from those camping in Calais, volunteers and emerging artists, forcing us to reconsider both the diluted identities of migrants, and our own high-brow preconceptions of art.

Written by: Taylor McGraa

Holy Stokes! A Real Life Happening: The skate film even non-skaters need to see

Holy Stokes! A Real Life Happening: The skate film even non-skaters need to see

Volcom’s first feature film in nine years — On the afternoon of the Holy Stokes! London film premiere, we talk to industry riders – Chris Pfanner and Daan Van Der Linden – about van stories, gnarly spiders, and the future of skateboard cinema.

Written by: Taylor McGraa

A UK council has approved the first fracking site in five years

A UK council has approved the first fracking site in five years

Fracking into the future — North Yorkshire Council ignored the pleas of the local community and campaign groups, and have approved the first fracking site in the UK since 2011.

Written by: Taylor McGraa

Taking to the street: The real fears of London's millennials

Taking to the street: The real fears of London's millennials

The apocalypse, it's coming — Our generation are constantly told that crippling debt, the housing crisis, and mental health issues are going to make our lives hell. Sure, all these issues are all too real, but we took to the streets to dig deeper, asking young people what they truly fear, and what they are doing about it.

Written by: Taylor McGraa

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