Rob Boffard

How coder Zach Sims realised his dream of never working for anyone

How coder Zach Sims realised his dream of never working for anyone

The DIY Coder — Zach Sims founded Codecademy so that anyone could learn to code and ended up learning some valuable lessons of his own.

Written by: Rob Boffard

Nupur Joshi Thanks is waking up India to the indie publishing revolution

Nupur Joshi Thanks is waking up India to the indie publishing revolution

The Magazine Evangelist — Paper Planes Founder Nupur Joshi Thanks is reviving print by introducing India to the joys of boutique magazines.

Written by: Rob Boffard

Activists and growers are fighting Canada’s corporate cannabis takeover

Activists and growers are fighting Canada’s corporate cannabis takeover

Corporate Growth — Canada’s friendly neighbourhood marijuana grow-ops are about to get a corporate takeover. Huck meets the growers, investors, lawyers and activists who are dealing with a new top-down system where bottom lines, not blazing, rules supreme.

Written by: Rob Boffard

How Dan Bull became one of the biggest MCs in the UK with no radio play

How Dan Bull became one of the biggest MCs in the UK with no radio play

Good rhymes are good rhymes — Meet Dan Bull, the DIY rapper who topped the charts with perseverance alone.

Written by: Rob Boffard

What kind of future are we hurtling towards?

What kind of future are we hurtling towards?

Paradise versus Dystopia — Are we heading for a revolution or a dirty downwards spiral? Huck gazes forward into the abyss to catch a glimpse of the future.

Written by: Rob Boffard

Artist, comedian, actor, skater. Only Los Angeles could have spat out Kevin Christy

Artist, comedian, actor, skater. Only Los Angeles could have spat out Kevin Christy

Hard Won Laughs — “I just ate hot shit. I bombed so hard. And then I kept bombing for three years.”

Written by: Rob Boffard

Expanded Eye
The Working Artisans Club

Expanded Eye

The Working Artisans' Club — Some people are built to create – to shape their future with their own two hands. Before Huck launches the new Working Artisans' Club for 2014, we revisit the rad makers we met last year. As art duo Expanded Eye, Jade Tomlinson and Kevin James are channelling real-life stories into every sculpture and tattoo.

Written by: Rob Boffard

Things that inspire me


Things That Inspire Me — Wu-Tang member and veteran rapper U-God on the stuff he digs.

Written by: Rob Boffard



Insider Guide — Tag along with Brian Dolle and discover the skate side of Shanghai.

Written by: Rob Boffard

Rob Boffard

Rob Boffard

Short Stories — Short stories are awesome. But in the age of self-publishing, do short-fiction journals still have a point? And will our correspondent ever get another piece published?

Written by: Rob Boffard

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