Laurene Boglio

Welcome to Theresa-land: Brexit Britain getting pissed on from a height

Welcome to Theresa-land: Brexit Britain getting pissed on from a height

From Where I Stand — In her long-awaited Brexit speech, many hoped Theresa May would lay out a roadmap for Britain finding its new place in the world. But James Butler argues the only direction we're heading in is towards Theresa-land: a shit, sunless, drizzling Cayman Islands, with Piers Morgan on daytime TV.

Written by: James Butler

A do-it-yourself guide to the world’s favourite new food trend: The coffee cocktail

A do-it-yourself guide to the world’s favourite new food trend: The coffee cocktail

Huck x Tia Maria — The world is going insane and it’s getting cold. Console yourself with these lovely winter warmers guaranteed to get you in a festive mood.

Written by: HUCK HQ

The United States and Mexico go to war… on the pitch

The United States and Mexico go to war… on the pitch

Soccer diplomacy — After Donald Trump’s claims that Mexican immigrants were criminals and rapists, the first Mexico vs US football match after his election victory was always going to be fiery. LWLies editor Adam Woodward soaked up the heat of the match in the bars of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

Written by: Adam Woodward

Under Trump make no mistake: We're all refugees now

Under Trump make no mistake: We're all refugees now

From Where I Stand — What happens when the arc of history no longer bends towards justice? As Donald Trump upends the world in the greatest political upset for generations, Japanese-American writer Tetsuhiko Endo reflects on what the future holds for anyone fighting on the fringes.

Written by: Tetsuhiko Endo

Why the High Court's ruling on Brexit was not an establishment stitch up

Why the High Court's ruling on Brexit was not an establishment stitch up

From Where I Stand — This week three High Court judges ruled that Parliament must be given a vote on triggering Brexit, much to the right-wing press's dismay. But Dr Jo Murkens argues this is simply what UK law requires, not a stitch up by judges with an agenda.

Written by: Dr Jo Murkens

You should probably stop having sex with robots

You should probably stop having sex with robots

You, yes you. — Academic and leader of the Campaign Against Sex Robots Kathleen Richardson argues that normalising sex with robots poses enormous harm to ‘johns’ and terrifying consequences for wider society.

Written by: Alex King

Should the media pay activists to talk?

Should the media pay activists to talk?

From Where I Stand — It's an all too common occurrence for activists and campaigners, that phone call or email from a journalist asking you help them with a story, provide expertise and support. Just because activists do what they do for their cause, but sex worker rights activist Aisling Gallagher argues the media should pay for their time and experience.

Written by: Aisling Gallagher

Corbyn's election is a victory, but now Labour needs a bold strategy to win

Corbyn's election is a victory, but now Labour needs a bold strategy to win

From Where I Stand — As expected, Jeremy Corbyn has once again swept to victory in the Labour leadership race. Despite the months of wasted time and resources, Corbyn, and the Labour Party must stop looking inwards if they've a chance of implementing a new progressive platform, James Butler here suggests what must happen next.

Written by: James Butler

Why do so many girls lie about starting their periods?

Why do so many girls lie about starting their periods?

Beneath the surface — Adolescence is rarely easy. A heady mix of hormones, exams and new experiences make the world a daunting yet exciting place. Pressure to fit in hits like never before, but when it comes to hitting puberty, timing is pretty much out of your control. Rachel Grace Almeida takes a look at why so many girls lie about starting their periods, and what this says about the pressures on young women today.

Written by: Rachel Grace Almeida

Banning gay men from giving blood is both stupid and homophobic

Banning gay men from giving blood is both stupid and homophobic

A stigmatising failed system — Banning sexually active gay men from giving blood leaves thousands of people stigmatised. And it doesn't have to be this way. Tom Rasmussen considers the alternatives to a discriminatory blanket ban.

Written by: Tom Rasmussen

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