Laurene Boglio

The media reaction to the Manchester bombing has been an absolute disgrace

The media reaction to the Manchester bombing has been an absolute disgrace

From Where I Stand — In the wake of a terror attack the media has a responsibility to inform us, but over the past 24 hours journalists have spread bigotry, invaded privacy, and failed miserably to show any sign of humanity or respect.

Written by: Bridget Minamore

Why we must all be a little more Mancunian after last night's attack

Why we must all be a little more Mancunian after last night's attack

Manchester and me — In the wake of the attack on Manchester we're asking those who love the city to share their thoughts and feelings. A lifelong resident of the city and Diversity Officer at Manchester University Students' Union, Ilyas Nagdee has one simple message for us all today - we must all be a little more Mancunian from now on.

Written by: Ilyas Nagdee

What can Captain America teach us about the state of US politics?

What can Captain America teach us about the state of US politics?

Quite a lot, actually... — Can the story of this all American super-hero teach us lessons about the racist Alt-right and the rise of Trump? Professor Jason Dittmer thinks so.

Written by: Jason Dittmer

Mental health practitioners keep mislabelling my mind

Mental health practitioners keep mislabelling my mind

Misdiagnosis and me — People are always telling us to speak up about our mental illnesses – so why are mental health professionals dishing out so many wrong diagnoses? Biju Belinky investigates.

Written by: Biju Belinky

There's no shame in our mental health stories

There's no shame in our mental health stories

Searching for salvation — Living with mental ill health can feel like yelling into a void with nobody listening, it's a reality that performer and activist Liv Wynter learnt at far too young an age. But now she wants to share her story, her past and present, to remind us that while we all choke there are ways to make sure next time it gets easier to breath again.

Written by: Liv Wynter

The royal family's mental health campaign patronises us lowly plebs

The royal family's mental health campaign patronises us lowly plebs

From Where I Stand — Speaking out about mental health is a privilege Prince Harry can afford but most of us can't. Their Heads Together campaign stinks of privilege.

Written by: Kate Bermingham

In Trump's America, there is nowhere for LGBT people to hide

In Trump's America, there is nowhere for LGBT people to hide

My Month With Trump — Each month until Trump leaves office we'll be hearing how he's impacted individual lives in our column My Month With Trump. As the Bigot-in-Chief looks poised to sign an anti-LGBT executive order, LA-based Jeff Leavell hits out at his fellow white gay men just like him sitting silently by in his community as the flames of prejudice spread. There is no safe space to hide in.

Written by: Jeff Leavell

Just two unhinged egomaniacs stand between us and nuclear apocalypse

Just two unhinged egomaniacs stand between us and nuclear apocalypse

From Where I Stand — Reports say we might be on the brink of nuclear warfare, the restraint of two deluded narcissists - Trump and Kim Jong Un - is all we have to protect us from apocalyptic doom. Is it time to head to the bunkers? James Butler argues we should probably never have left.

Written by: James Butler

Politicians are trying to rewrite history with their 'British Empire 2.0'

Politicians are trying to rewrite history with their 'British Empire 2.0'

Inglorious Empire — With Britain set to trigger Article 50 and its departure from the European Union, the outlook for the UK looks pretty bleak. In the corridors of Whitehall, politicians are talking of an "Empire 2.0". But it's time Britain faces up to the harsh realities of its colonial past, says Indian politician and author Shashi Tharoor.

Written by: Oscar Rickett

Why hundreds of activists are mass-editing Wikipedia this weekend

Why hundreds of activists are mass-editing Wikipedia this weekend

Do it yourself — The Art+Feminism collective organise collective edit-a-thons to take on the underrepresentation of women artists online.

Written by: Marta Bausells

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