Laurene Boglio

Why geek culture is taking over Africa

Why geek culture is taking over Africa

Homegrown escapism — Tackling labour exploitation, corruption, and poor governance – meet the superheroes of Zimbabwe’s Comexposed comic book convention.

Written by: Christine Ro

Are left-wing sexists really worse than right?

Are left-wing sexists really worse than right?

From Where I Stand — On Saturday, Labour MP Jess Phillips declared that “well-meaning Left-wing men” were actually the “worst sexists.” Megan Nolan explains why that will never be the case.

Written by: Megan Nolan

How I learned to say 'fuck it', there's nothing to fear in being fat

How I learned to say 'fuck it', there's nothing to fear in being fat

Lessons to live by — Megan Nolan spent years miserably fighting her body, desperate to contort it into a perfect figure she had in her head. Then one day she decided to embrace it.

Written by: Megan Nolan

Calling antidepressants 'kill pills' is dangerous – the BBC should know better

Calling antidepressants 'kill pills' is dangerous – the BBC should know better

From Where I Stand — These drugs have saved many people's lives. Continuing to irresponsibly demonise medication will only make more people afraid to reach out for help.

Written by: Biju Belinky

How to stay sane while making your own music

How to stay sane while making your own music

Tips from Hiatus — Electronic musician Cyrus Shahrad sees electronic music as an emotional outlet. Releasing his songs tracks the moniker Hiatus since 2010, he knows very well how draining the process of making something good can be – but now he wants to share his own tips on how to carry on moving forward, even when all seems lost.

Written by: Cyrus Shahrad (Introduction by Biju Belinky)

A Palestinian skater’s struggles in Israel

A Palestinian skater’s struggles in Israel

Partying without papers — Last December, Hasan left his hometown of Qalqilya – a small city in Palestine’s West Bank – to enter Israel on a one-day visitor’s permit. He hasn’t returned since. Now living illegally next to one of the most troubled borders in the world, he shares his stories on skateboarding, filmmaking, and falling in love with the enemy.

Written by: Graham Liddell

Self-appointed 'King' Macron is no antidote to Trump

Self-appointed 'King' Macron is no antidote to Trump

From Where I Stand — After parading through the Palace of Versailles with an entourage of underlings, French president Emmanuel Macron has allowed the mask to slip. What lies beneath, says Sam Kriss, looks scarily familiar.

Written by: Sam Kriss

Naomi Klein says Grenfell Tower is "lovelessness in public"

Naomi Klein says Grenfell Tower is "lovelessness in public"

A tragedy of fake facades — Cult writer Naomi Klein has been debunking neoliberalism's gilded promise since the 1990s. Grenfell Tower, she says, is yet another tragic reminder that beyond the golden surface lies a rotten core.

Written by: Andrea Kurland

You're right to worry about a revolving door between the Tories and the BBC

You're right to worry about a revolving door between the Tories and the BBC

From Where I Stand — Last night news broke that two senior BBC political journalists held meetings with the Tories about moving to work at Number 10. No wonder the Beeb is out of touch with the political reality of today.

Written by: Tom Mills

As a girl skating was my escape. As a young woman, it was taken from me

As a girl skating was my escape. As a young woman, it was taken from me

Go Skateboarding Day 2017 — In her early years, skating provided Marianne Eloise with an escape: from anxiety, from a toxic household, the OCD that span around her head. But as she got older, all that changed; suddenly her board could no longer be a sanctuary.

Written by: Marianne Eloise

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