Jonathan Hanson


What does Trump’s victory mean for sex-positive women?

A new sexual counter-revolution — In the wake of Trump’s victory, we’re reaching out to artists, activists and countercultural figures - the people Huck was born to celebrate - for their original and thought-provoking takes on what it means for America, for them and for all of us. After a campaign dogged by misogyny and allegations of sexual assault, we spoke to feminist porn producer and Math Magazine editor MacKenzie Peck about the devastating impact a Trump presidency could have for women.

Written by: Alex King


Gender Stories: Jacob Tobia knows that Mx is more powerful than Mr or Miss

“Nothing about me is weird; society makes me weird.” — Jacob Tobia has a stiletto collection rivaling Ivanka Trump and facial hair most men would envy. But this 24-year old Southerner turned Brooklynite is neither masculine nor feminine. Jacob is genderqueer – or gender neutral – identifying as a person who sees beyond having only two gender options. As an advocate, working for Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice by day and moonlighting as a writer and TV personality after-hours, Jacob pushes for non-conforming gender acceptance every waking moment. Whether it’s penning a piece for Huffington Post asking why “dressing professionally” can’t mean a clean-shaven man wearing pearls, or publicly criticising transgendered media-darling Caitlyn Jenner, Jacob is out to make equal rights for genderqueer people a reality no matter how uncomfortable it makes others.

Written by: Jacob Tobia / Megan Broussard

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