Eve Izaak

It’s time Britain confronted its racist, oppressive past

It’s time Britain confronted its racist, oppressive past

No more half-truths — The British education curriculum champions racists, reinforces stereotypes, and deliberately erases the experiences of minorities throughout history. Until we confront this uncomfortable reality, Black History Month feels like a waste of time.

Written by: Kemi Alemoru

A letter to the men who abuse me online

A letter to the men who abuse me online

...and it is always men — As a woman writer with political opinions, Dawn Foster is a regular target for trolls – receiving death and rape threats on a daily basis. As this behaviour becomes increasingly normalised, she argues that the true danger lies in desensitisation.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Unravelling the mysteries of the world’s deserts

Unravelling the mysteries of the world’s deserts

Notes from an explorer — In his new book, The Immeasurable World, explorer William Atkins travels across the earth’s most famous deserts, uncovering forgotten myths, and getting to grips with the history and philosophy that lie beneath their surface.

Written by: Adam White

The uncertain future of Serbia’s LGBTQ community

The uncertain future of Serbia’s LGBTQ community

Time for change — In June last year, Ana Brnabić defied the odds to become Serbian Prime Minister – making her the country’s first ever gay politician. But in a staunchly conservative society with a terrible track record on LGBTQ rights, what difference has this appointment really made?

Written by: Sophie Cousins

Charlie Fink

Charlie Fink

From Folk To Film — Noah and the Whale frontman opens up about new album, new film and his cinematic heroes.

Written by: Eve Izaak

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