Dawn Foster


Coronavirus is exposing the government’s ineptitude

The next casualty? — Science is complex, but it is the government’s role to convey the information the public need in a manner that is understandable. So why aren’t they doing that?

Written by: Dawn Foster


Jess Phillips: woman of the people, or just out for herself?

A quest for truth — The Labour leadership candidate markets herself as a bold and refreshing outsider, when in fact she embodies the status quo.

Written by: Dawn Foster


If Labour wants real change, it should elect a woman leader

Now there’s a radical idea — The PLP’s apparent decision to throw their weight behind a London-based male candidate feels dispiriting, if not surprising. Haven’t we been here before?

Written by: Dawn Foster


The great myth of the British working class

A flat cap fallacy — Treating the working class as homogenous, white, and uniquely motivated by very specific political ideologies is damaging, writes Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster


Coats out, votes out: how to survive the final push

Six days to save the country — With just days left to change the country, writer Dawn Foster shares her tips on making a difference (and looking good while doing it).

Written by: Dawn Foster


Private women’s clubs are a crass capitalist con

What The Wing gets wrong — The Wing, which opened in London this week, is an exclusive members club that promises to help women ‘thrive’ and ‘connect’ with each other. It seems like they’re wildly missing the point, argues Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster


All hail Coleen Rooney, the hero we need right now

Save us — The slog of Brexit is too much to bear. A literary mystery with explosive consequences is the perfect tonic for these dark times – and we scarcely deserve Rooney’s work.

Written by: Dawn Foster


Why men are experts and women are confessional

The media’s big problem — The Caroline Calloway story shows that young women are being forced to plunder their personal lives for content. It’s time we broke the pattern, argues Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster


Those living with disabilities face discrimination every day

We need to be more vigilant — Living with a chronic illness, Dawn Foster has seen first-hand how society discriminates against disabled people. Despite arguing against it endlessly, she still faces prejudice on a regular basis.

Written by: Dawn Foster


Television has always hated working class people

Good riddance Jeremy Kyle — Jeremy Kyle may finally be gone, but what it stands for – the hateful demonisation of working-class communities – remains stronger than ever. Dawn Foster explains why the show was always just a small part of a much larger toxic ecosystem.

Written by: Dawn Foster

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