No gears, no teams, no prizes — For the amateur street racers of south Sri Lanka, competing on antiquated bikes is the ultimate test of endurance. Only cool heads and sheer determination will prevail.
Written by: Cian Traynor
Ghosting the world — Sometimes the only way to survive is to pack everything up and start over. But whether you’re drawn to the unknown or driven by a need to cut ties, life lessons have a way of catching up with you. Here are three stories of people who reinvented themselves.
Written by: Cian Traynor
The Minimalists — After giving up six-figure salaries in the corporate world, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus decided to get back to basics. Now, as the Minimalists, they help others make space for what's important in life.
Written by: Cian Traynor
Portrait of a generation — Photographer John Thackwray has spent years travelling the world, capturing the hopes and fears of people under 30 – all from within their most private space.
Written by: Cian Traynor
Cosmic hippy shit — As champions of in-person experience, the Flaming Lips keep finding freaky ways to battle convention and bring people together. But even when the shit hits the fan, and the internet bites back, nothing can spoil their party.
Written by: Cian Traynor
An artificial intimacy — For Jesse Mac Cormack, the world of online porn can be seductive in all the wrong ways: a source of disconnection that messes with your brain and alters expectations in the bedroom.
Written by: Cian Traynor
No god? No problem — To tackle the stigma of being an atheist in the US, a controversial billboard campaign is urging non-believers to 'come out' about their views – and embrace Christmas as a cultural holiday that can be enjoyed by anyone.
Written by: Cian Traynor
The shape of things to come — After opting against medical school and turning his back on convention, surfboard shaper Chris Christenson dedicated himself to a path of creative restlessness.
Written by: Cian Traynor
Up close and personal — Photographer Siân Davey has captured what it means to turn from 16 to 18, having gained intimate access from an unlikely source: her own stepdaughter.
Written by: Cian Traynor
Quest for Beauty — Fashion photographer Sara Melotti grew tired of seeing flawless pictures of women everywhere. Now she travels the world to document what natural beauty looks like.
Written by: Cian Traynor