Alex King

Inside the only company that never stopped believing in cassette tapes

Inside the only company that never stopped believing in cassette tapes

Analogue rewind — National Audio Company were too stubborn to give up on tapes. Now they’re surfing a resurgence of the much-loved analogue format.

Written by: Alex King

The forgotten and unexplored Los Angeles playlist

The forgotten and unexplored Los Angeles playlist

The other side of La La Land — Alternative tour guide Tom Carroll shares his favourite books, films and overlooked spots in LA.

Written by: Alex King

Life inside the Calais Jungle refugee camp

Life inside the Calais Jungle refugee camp

24 hours in Calais — Huge public pressure has forced European governments to respond to the global refugee crisis. But for the three thousand people living in deplorable conditions in The Jungle, relief is a long way off.

Written by: Alex King

Photographer Jason Larkin unpicks South Africa’s complex present

Photographer Jason Larkin unpicks South Africa’s complex present

Waiting and Platinum — Jason Larkin releases two photography projects from South Africa, Waiting and Platinum, which reveal the subtle complexities of the Rainbow Nation two decades after apartheid.

Written by: Alex King

Can young, smartphone-wielding revolutionaries build a postcapitalist world?

Can young, smartphone-wielding revolutionaries build a postcapitalist world?

Postcapitalism: A Guide to our Future — Paul Mason’s provocative theory argues the building blocks for a postcapitalist future are all around us. But can a young, tech-savvy grassroots overturn entrenched elites and rewrite the rules of the game?

Written by: Alex King

Wandering savant Chet Childress goes back to where it all began

Wandering savant Chet Childress goes back to where it all began

Lost In Crookslation — Chet Childress returns to his childhood home in North Carolina for a short film with Desillusion Magazine.

Written by: Alex King

For artist Eloise Dörr, breaking a deck isn’t the end of the story

For artist Eloise Dörr, breaking a deck isn’t the end of the story

Leftovers at Parlour Presents — Eloise Dörr’s cheeky silhouette characters show love for the less-celebrated aspects of skating, like breaking decks and stacking it.

Written by: Alex King

Quiet Zone photographer Emile Holba’s adventure playlist

Quiet Zone photographer Emile Holba’s adventure playlist

Books, music and film for journeys off the beaten track — Emile explored America's National Radio Quiet Zone in Huck’s Adventure Issue, a 13,000 square mile area of radio silence in West Virginia where a giant telescope scans outer-space.

Written by: Alex King

Unplanned America explores the States’ most far-out subcultures
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Unplanned America explores the States’ most far-out subcultures

Aussies on the edge — DIY documentary series Unplanned America follows three Australian best mates on a riotously funny, make-it-up-as-you-go-along journey through the cultural fringes of the US.

Written by: Alex King

For emerging musicians, the internet is not all it’s cracked up to be

For emerging musicians, the internet is not all it’s cracked up to be

Small fish, big pond — Gilles Peterson and Brownswood’s Future Bubblers project is going offline and outside the M25 to find innovative new talent across England.

Written by: Alex King

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