Aiyush Pachnanda

The Tories are demonising men seeking asylum

The Tories are demonising men seeking asylum

No one is illegal — The government’s Rwanda deal will not include women and children. In doing so, it seeks to stoke fear of Black and Muslim men while splitting hairs between the most vulnerable, writes Tiara Ataii.

Written by: Tiara Ataii

Hundreds gather to protest the Tories’ Rwanda plans

Hundreds gather to protest the Tories’ Rwanda plans

No to offshoring — The government’s brand new immigration deal has sparked outrage from across the political spectrum, with many branding it as cruel and inhumane.

Written by: Ben Smoke

How the soaring cost of living is impacting asylum seekers

How the soaring cost of living is impacting asylum seekers

‘State-sponsored cruelty‘ — For asylum seekers, who are given a paltry sum to live off by the Home Office, rising prices are set to make a desperate financial situation even worse.

Written by: Isabella Cipirska

Rishi Sunak’s budget for the rich

Rishi Sunak’s budget for the rich

Austerity kills — The Chancellor’s Spring Statement offers very little to those hit hardest by the cost of living crisis and soaring energy prices.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The sex-positive party host championing consent

The sex-positive party host championing consent

Queer utopia — Crossbreed – the queer, sex-positive rave – is revolutionising London’s kink scene. How does its founder Alex Warren make sure everyone’s on the same page?

Written by: Lydia Morrish

The government's arms fair is endangering fleeing Ukrainians

The government's arms fair is endangering fleeing Ukrainians

Borders kill — The Home Office claims to want to support people displaced by war, but is at the same time hosting a shadowy arms fair to help arms companies sell their deadly wares to stop people crossing borders.

Written by: Mary Atkinson

Protestors set off rape alarms at a London police station

Protestors set off rape alarms at a London police station

Sisters united — To mark a year since the murder of Sarah Everard, grassroots group Sisters Uncut organised a protest for the public to ‘withdraw their consent from British policing’.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The devastating plight of Ukranians fleeing war

The devastating plight of Ukranians fleeing war

Search for Sanctuary — With two million displaced by the war, people scrambling to find safety are being met with callous immigration systems and racism at the border.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Protestors gather outside the Russian embassy – in photos

Protestors gather outside the Russian embassy – in photos

‘Hands off Ukraine‘ — Hundreds gathered over the weekend both outside Russia's embassy in Kensington and in Downing Street calling for Vladimir Putin to withdraw from Ukraine.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Protestors rally in Whitehall in support of Ukraine

Protestors rally in Whitehall in support of Ukraine

‘Stop Putin’s war!’ — In the wake of Thursday’s invasion, hundreds gathered outside Downing Street to call for tougher sanctions on Russia.

Written by: Huck

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